'Glow Worm' rose References
Book (1936) Page(s) 303. Glow Worm (hybrid lutea) Easlea 1919; bright scarlet, shaded coppery orange, small, single, occasionally up to 8 petals, solitary or up to 5, fragrance 4/10, floriferous, continuous bloom, growth 6/10, upright. Sangerhausen
Website/Catalog (1923) Page(s) 43. Pernetianas ... Glow Worm (Easlea, 1919). Scarlet with coppery orange. f 1.00.
Website/Catalog (1922) Page(s) 15. Novelties of 1921 Glow Worm (Per.) (Easlea) Flowers, single, of a rich scarlet red colour suffused coppery orange. The Rose is often as brilliant as the ‘Austrian Copper’ Briar. It possesses a delicious fragrance; growth, erect and vigorous; perpetual flowering. So far the colour has not been up to description. It may improve in autumn.
Website/Catalog (1921) Page(s) 17. Roses. Glow Worm, Flowers single and semi-single, of a rich scarlet red colour suffused coppery orange. This rose is often as brilliant as the Austrian Copper Briar. It possesses a delicious fragrance; growth erect and vigorous; very perpetual flowering; class: Hybrid Austrian Briar; habit of growth: vigorous.
Book (1921) Page(s) 70. A Descriptive List of some of the most promising Newer Roses. Glowworm (Pernetiana), W. Easlea, 1920.—Orange scarlet. Vigorous. Bedding, decorative. Single-flowered. Prune 20. Instruction 20. Pernetiana.—Prune in March.