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'The Fairy' rose Reviews & Comments
Discussion id : 166-356
most recent 11 MAR HIDE POSTS
Initial post 11 MAR by AndromedaSea
I live in a humid area, NJ zone 7b, and garden in heavy, alkaline, slow-draining clay. I don’t use sprays in my garden, aside from dormant oil, and I love Earth-Kind roses because they do well without a spray schedule. The Fairy is no exception. This little plant asks for very little but gives loads of blooms in return. I see no black spot on this rose, and Japanese Beetles tend to ignore it. Even the Spotted Lantern Fly nymphs leave this rose alone, for the most part. It’s my favorite kind of rose: easy! The sprays really look gorgeous in vases with hybrid teas or dahlias. The Fairy is definitely one I’ll always want to grow.
Discussion id : 132-262
most recent 6 APR 22 HIDE POSTS
Initial post 6 APR 22
* Posted by unregistered site guest: Pending HMF administrative review. *
Discussion id : 123-550
most recent 25 OCT 20 HIDE POSTS
Initial post 25 OCT 20 by AaronSteppe
Stupid question--is this rosa multiflora? I've seen it described as a polyantha and then multiflora in parenthesis. Should I be concerned about RRD--that is, more than any other rose variety? I'm pretty new so please excuse my naivete!
Reply #1 of 1 posted 25 OCT 20 by jedmar
The first polyanthas in the mid 19th century were bred from a type of R. multiflora. The discussion is still ongoing whether this was a pure R. multiflora or already a Japanese cultivar. In any case, 'Fairy' is very far in its parentage from R. multiflora and has more R. wichurana influence. I wouldn't worry, but maybe someone in the US has first-hand experience?
Discussion id : 120-150
most recent 10 FEB 20 HIDE POSTS
Initial post 8 FEB 20 by Peter Egeto
Can anyone help with the lineage of The Fairy?
I try to find it out (as i planned to order Paul Crampel to make a mixed group of similar looking plants which is beliebed to be trhe pollen parent of The Fairy) but then in the references there are completely different parentages shown from different sources.

It seems first it was "described" as the appereance is like a miniature Lady Godiva, then from the 50s it's displayed as "sport of Lady Godiva", then from the 80s mostly they refer to the cross Paul Crampel X Lady Gay, but i don't see any source, or article that explains this situation...

I probably tend to believe the PC X LGay cross is proper as The Fairy is remontant - it's easier to accept this than as "a sport of a non-remontant climber"...

Does anyone have more information on this?

Thanks, Peter
Reply #1 of 4 posted 10 FEB 20 by Patricia Routley
Peter, I have added a few more references but haven't found anything concrete. Perhaps the confusion stems from the two 1935 refs?

1935 (RNRS Select List) "described as a miniature flowering ‘Lady Godiva'

1935 (RNRS Trial Ground) "dwarf ‘Lady Gay’".

1936 (Rosenlexikon) similar to 'Fairy Cluster' 1935 [which was { Dainty Bess × Ideal (polyantha, Spek, 1921) ]

1952 (Modern Roses 4) ‘Lady Godiva’ sport.

1959 (Genders): This was a dwarf ‘sport’ from the pale pink climber ‘Lady Godiva’.

1978 (Harkness): wherein ‘Lady Godiva’ proved well able to sport, and to change her character more than is usual, for ‘The Fairy’ I am sure is a deeper colour in flower and leaf than ‘Lady Godiva’; and the growth is entirely different

1980 (Gibson) Sport of the rambler ‘Lady Godiva’, but a Polyantha in habit.

1986 (Modern Roses 9) ‘Paul Crampel’ x ‘Lady Gay’

1988 (Beales) ‘Paul Crampel’ x ‘Lady Gay’.

1988 (Le Rougetel) ‘Paul Crampel’ x ‘Lady Gay’.
Reply #2 of 4 posted 10 FEB 20 by Peter Egeto
thank you so much Patricia,

When i was going through the references i kinda got confused after a while, with the "sport of Godiva' from the 50s to 80s, thne out of the blue the PC x LGay cross.

As i've read Lady Godiva has a good tendency to sport - what's your opinion about it? My knowledge in the rose universe is very little, but i don't often meet a cultivar that is a rambler and once blooming that can sport to an almost miniature, continuous flowering type - especially that Lady Godiva doesn't even have anything like that in the parentage.
The PC x LGay is more likely to me, considering all the charasteristics of Paul Crampel.

Anyways, Thank you very much again,

Reply #3 of 4 posted 10 FEB 20 by Margaret Furness
It can happen. Tausendschon to Echo, which produced a dynasty of colour sports (and reverts readily).
Felicite-Perpetue to White Pet.
Reply #4 of 4 posted 10 FEB 20 by Peter Egeto
Thank you Margaret,
yes i've seen that Tausendschön has Echo - also interesting, Fairy doesn't revert back to any of those ramblers/climbers though, only Fairy clg. , still keeps the continuous flowering habit.

I just can't see the source for the PC x L.Gay cross anywhere, somehow i'd love to find out now :) for me, that option is stil much,much more likely.

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