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"Totenvik" rose Reviews & Comments
Discussion id : 69-478
most recent 18 JAN 13 HIDE POSTS
Initial post 18 JAN 13 by Jay-Jay
This rose must be frosthardier, than 6b-9b, see the other comment in triple, from roseexpert, Southern Norway.
Reply #1 of 1 posted 18 JAN 13 by jedmar
Actually, Norway is partly in climate zones 7 and 8 due to the Gulf Stream. The garden in Norway which lists 'Totenvik' is in Zone 6b. The place "Totenvik" is near Hammar in southern central Norway, which has minimum temperatures of down to -25oC. We have therefore modified the lower limit to 5b, but can further adapt if more information comes in from our Scandinavian members.
Discussion id : 13-537
most recent 1 AUG 06 HIDE POSTS
Initial post 1 AUG 06 by roseexpert
The rose is named after a place in Southern Norway called Totenvik. It grows very well (better than Rosa spin. plena) and is probably a local sport of 'plena'. The flowers have a slight tone of yellow (almost not noticeable). Flowers have a strong scent. Summer flowering only. It should be grown on own root. Very healthy and winterhard. 
Discussion id : 13-536
most recent 1 AUG 06 HIDE POSTS
Initial post 1 AUG 06 by roseexpert
The rose is named after a place in Southern Norway called Totenvik. It grows very well (better than Rosa spin. plena) and is probably a local sport of 'plena'. The flowers have a slight tone of yellow (almost not noticeable). Flowers have a strong scent. Summer flowering only. It should be grown on own root. Very healthy and winterhard. 
Discussion id : 13-535
most recent 1 AUG 06 HIDE POSTS
Initial post 1 AUG 06 by roseexpert
The rose is named after a place in Southern Norway called Totenvik. It grows very well (better than Rosa spin. plena) and is probably a local sport of 'plena'. The flowers have a slight tone of yellow (almost not noticeable). Flowers have a strong scent. Summer flowering only. It should be grown on own root. Very healthy and winterhard. 
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