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'MURfri' rose References
Book  (1999)  Page(s) 255.  
'Filly Dilly'. MURfri. Modern, cluster-flowered floribunda. Deep pink, repeat-flowering. The flowels of this rose are a light magenta-pink and are borne in small sprays of 5-7 blooms. They have a slight scent. The blooms have unusual form - with 80-90 petals they appear to be long and thin in relation to their width. Some growers have likened the form to that of a dahlia with the stacking of layers of petals on top of each other. 'Frilly Dilly' needs a lot of heat to open fully and be really appreciated so it is recommended only for warm climates. Bloom production is good and the color holds well even in strong sunlight. The foliage is large and medium green with brown prickles on an upright bush. Zones 6-11. Murray, New Zealand, 1986. 'Red Lion' x 'Magenta'.

[This description with 80-90 petals appears to be a mixture of Cocker's pale pink 'Frilly Dilly' and with Nola Murray's magenta 'Frilly Dilly' s parents]
Book  (Apr 1993)  Page(s) 195.  
'Frilly Dilly'. F. dp, 1986. (MURfri); 'Red Lion' x 'Magenta'. Murray, Nola. Flowers light magenta red, full (25 petals), pointed, small, borne in sprays of 5-7; slight fragrance; foliage large, medium green, flat; pointed, brown prickles; upright growth.
Book  (1987)  Page(s) 60.  
Nola Murray. Benching 'Em Kiwi Style. One year I saw my very own floribunda 'Frilly Dilly' all jazzed up in a vase and looking most splendid I biassedly thought. It was so unexpected that my cup overflowed and I danced the Cha cha sending my temperature up ten degrees. I raised this magenta pink frilly rose in 1971 from a crossing of 'Red Lion' and 'Magenta' so it is not to be confused with the new Australian pale pink 'Frilly Dilly' now on your market.

[The author may have been referring to the Cocker, UK rose on the Australian market]
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