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'Harison's Hardy' rose Reviews & Comments
Discussion id : 107-782
most recent 6 FEB 18 HIDE POSTS
Initial post 4 FEB 18 by Paul G. Olsen
The Interactions of Various Rose Species
Percy H. Wright
American Rose Annual 1947

Harison's Hardy - Resulting from pollen of Harison's Yellow placed on pistils of Rosa spinosissima altaica. The flower is similar to Harison's Yellow in doubleness and size, averaging slightly larger; color a deep cream in the center of the flower and pale cream at the outside. Foliage intermediate. Plant more erect than the pollen parent. Much hardier than Harison's Yellow; hardy to -60 F. Fertile.
Reply #1 of 9 posted 4 FEB 18 by Andrew from Dolton
Hardy to -51 Celsius, really!?
Reply #2 of 9 posted 5 FEB 18 by Margit Schowalter
Here is a report from the Regina-Leader Post.

"Prairie snow storm (1947)
On January 15, 1947, the front page of the Regina Leader-Post read: “Province Just One Big Snowdrift,” with a story that detailed continuous blizzards, buried trains, and even towns from Winnipeg to Calgary. The snow started in December and hardly ceased, with blizzards that kept hitting every couple of days. On February 3, Regina set a North American record when temperatures reached negative 60 degrees celsius. All highways in and out of the capital were blocked for 10 days, supplies in and out slowed, and people reportedly began travelling from their house to their shed via snow tunnel. Some rural roads and railways in Saskatchewan remained closed until spring."
Reply #3 of 9 posted 5 FEB 18 by Andrew from Dolton
Thank you Margit, that's very interesting. There are three winters in living memory that were particularly harsh in the U.K. In 1941 there was an ice storm that paralysed transport and bought telephone and power cables down. It was said that if Germany had chosen that moment to invade they could have marched in almost unchallenged so crippled was the infrastructure. In 1962 it started snowing on Boxing Day (24th December) and there was still snow around at Easter. It was cold enough for the sea to freeze on the coasts of Kent and Essex. But 1947 was the coldest. In February snow fell on 26 out of 28 days and a temperature of -21 Celsius was recorded, cold enough to kill off rambler roses in Scotland.
Reply #4 of 9 posted 5 FEB 18 by Patricia Routley
Thanks Paul. Reference added.
Andrew the reference says -60 F. Fahrenheit?
Reply #5 of 9 posted 5 FEB 18 by Andrew from Dolton
Yes, I believe -60 Fahrenheit = -51 Celsius.
Reply #6 of 9 posted 5 FEB 18 by Margit Schowalter
Thank you Andrew. Interesting that the extreme cold of the 1946-1947 winter was spread over so much of the northern hemisphere. And I was complaining when we had an overnight temperature dip of -41C last week!
Reply #7 of 9 posted 5 FEB 18 by Andrew from Dolton
Usually whatever weather happens in North America we get in some form or another a few weeks later. The last bad winter we had here was 2010 when it was very cold at both the beginning and end of the year. So far in 2018 it has been mild all I could make was a Cornish snowman.
Reply #8 of 9 posted 5 FEB 18 by Jay-Jay
I had to chuckle, because of Your Cornish "Mudman"
Reply #9 of 9 posted 6 FEB 18 by Patricia Routley
Love it. Just love it. On ya Andrew! I'll grin all day over this.
Discussion id : 25-378
most recent 21 JUN 08 SHOW ALL
Initial post 11 APR 08 by Margit Schowalter
"This one is a Scotch rose of complex ancestry: Altaica x [(Macounii x acicularis) x Harison's Yellow]. I call it Harison's Hardy, and it is a bicolor, but both the pink and the yellow are weak, making it nearly white."

Personal correspondence Percy Wright to Walter Schowalter December 13, 1968
Reply #1 of 2 posted 18 JUN 08 by Unregistered Guest
can anyone tell me how to take a cutting for a Harison's rose bush. When is the best time to do this
Reply #2 of 2 posted 21 JUN 08 by Cass
Harison's Yellow is best propagated by digging up a well-established sucker rather than rooting cuttings. You are essentially growing a new own root plant from a cutting that already has a root, much like a very small bareroot plant. In my experience, assuming you have permission to dig up a sucker, you should select one that is at least 2.5 feet tall that shown signs of vigor - - good growth, decent size. While digging the sucker, remove a length of stout root (as big around as of a finger) at least 12 inches long. Pot your sucker deep in a large, deep pot and keep it in the shade, with the soil kept damp, until it shows new growth.

Another technique is to find a good sucker on an established plant and to sever the sucker from the mother plant about 60 days before you plan to dig it up. Severing the sucker will force it to produce its own feeder roots, which you can then carefully dig up.
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