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'W. F. Dreer' rose References
Magazine  (Jan 1947)  Page(s) 1. trimester, p. 6.  
Les hivers tout particulièrement rudes de 1938-39, 1939-40, 1940-41 et 1941-42 ont, aussi, bien contribué à la disparition des variétés fragiles, à bois creux, telles que : Château de Clos Vougeot, E. Aramayo, Los Angeles, L.-C. Breslau, Mme N. Aussel, Révérend Page Roberts, Souv. de Geo. Beckwith, William Dreer et Willowmere.
Book  (1943)  Page(s) 260.  Includes photo(s).
A Glossary of Roses
W. F. Dreer (Hybrid Tea) has exceptionally well-formed double-pointed flowers of yellow, shaded with peach-pink, variable in extent. Growth is vigorous and erect, flowering profuse and extended, and foliage light green.
Howard & Smith 1920. Deciduous, Vigorous Growth, Very Fragrant... Purpose: Bedding, Garden, Standards, Pots; Months of flowering: June-September. Hardy.
Website/Catalog  (1938)  Page(s) 43.  
Bush Roses
W. F. Dreer (Pernetiana)... Golden yellow shaded peach. Flower and growth similar to "Los Angeles". A good bedding Rose. Faint perfumed. Introduced 1920.
Book  (1936)  Page(s) 217.  
Dreer, William F. (hybrid lutea) Howard & Smith 1920; tender silvery mother-of-pearl-pink, base golden-yellow, occasionally fully glossy golden-yellow, medium to large, double, fine form, high-centered, lasting, solitary, fragrance 5/10, floriferous, long stems, abundant light green foliage, growth 6/10, lanky, Los Angeles-Type. Sangerhausen
Magazine  (Dec 1933)  Page(s) 103.  
Variétés de jardins. Rosiers Pernet ...William F. Dreer (HOWARD & SMITH, 1920) : fleur rose, argenté tendre, sur fond jaune d'or, ce dernier coloris à certaines phases du développement donne à la fleur entière un effet doré.
Magazine  (Oct 1933)  Page(s) 227.  
Chez Meilland ....  Nous notons, un peu au hasard, parmi les variétés cultivées en grandes quantités : Talisman, Madame Pierre S. du Pont, Président Herbert Hoover, Heinrich Wendland, Lucie-Marie, William F. Dreer, Souvenir de Madame Chambard (la plus belle rose de France 1932), Léon Chenault, superbe rose de forme parfaite sur tige rigide ; Edouard Schill, excellente aussi pour la fleur coupée ; Grenoble, au coloris écarlate brillant ; Madame G. Forest Colcombet, Comtesse Vandal, Heinrich Gaede, Duquesa de Penaranda, Autumn, Charles P. Kilham, Priscilla, Madame Henri Pâté, Belgica, un peu trop sujette à l’oïdium, Pink Pearl, etc.., toutes roses très belles aux mérites variés de vigueur, de rusticité et d’abondante floraison.
Website/Catalog  (1929)  Page(s) 33.  
Everblooming Roses
The so-called Everblooming Roses include the Hybrid Tea and Pernetiana groups. They do not bloom all the time, but if kept healthy and growing steadily, one crop of flowers succeeds another at brief intervals.
William F. Dreer. Hybrid Tea. (Howard & Smith, 1920.) A wonderfully beautiful flower of golden fawn and orange-pink; moderately fragrant. Fair growth, with average foliage and blooming qualities.
Although remarkable for its very lovely color, the foliage needs protection, and the flower-stems wilt in hot weather. Try this variety in half shade, giving it plenty of water and fertilizer.
Website/Catalog  (1928)  Page(s) 25.  
Hybrid Teas, Teas  and Pernetiana.
William F. Dreer. Pernetiana. (Howard & Smith, 1920.) Mme. Segond Weber X Lyon Rose. A beautiful Rose in all stages of development; is at its best in the half-expanded flower. Color a delicate silvery-pink; the base of the petals are of a rich golden yellow which, at certain states, give a golden suffusion to the entire flower. As we know this Rose in Hemet, it requires little imagination to classify it among with other good yellows.
Website/Catalog  (1927)  Page(s) 90.  
William F. Dreer, fine light yellow with reddish shading, garden and cutting rose (HT). 1 piece M 1.-, 10 pieces M 9.-, 100 pieces M 80.-
Magazine  (Mar 1925)  Page(s) 37.  
William F. Dreer est un des meilleurs Rosiers pour massifs. Il est vigoureux et ramifié, fleurissant jusqu’à l’arrière-saison. Ses fleurs, de belle forme, sont larges et colorées de rose saumoné, combiné avec du jaune d’or.
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