'Martine Guillot ®' rose References
Book (2010) Page(s) 80. Steve Beck. Garden Roses Symposium. Another recent shrub rose with the potential to be the largest of all is Martine Guillot (Shrub, Guillot, 1996). From the house of the oldest French rose-breeding company of he same name, and obviously bred on 'New Dawn' lines, we believe, if allowed, it could become one of the biggest rose plants of the modern era. Its new shoots want to grow producing a large cluster of old-style, double, cupped blooms in colours a la 'Louisa Stone'. Then, when dead-headed, clusters appear all along the stem. It is a truly wonderful spectacle, but beware, it needs plenty of room!
Website/Catalog (2005) Includes photo(s). Award: Bronze Medal; Best Shrub Rose in Trial Name: Martine Guillot Type: shrub rose Habit: double ivory trusses of flowers that age to white Breeder: Roseraies Pierre Guillot, France Exhibitor: The Rose Garden, SA
Article (misc) (Jul 2002) Page(s) 8. Martine Guillot Shrub [w]
Website/Catalog (22 Dec 1998) Page(s) 33. Includes photo(s). Martine Guillot (MASmabay) Generosa™. Guillot-Massad 1997. Description... One of the new Generosa™ roses from Roseraie Guillot... sprays of creamy buds that open to deeply cupped blooms blushed with the softest apricot... named for the wife of Jean-Pierre Guillot...