'Flower Girl ™' rose Reviews & Comments
Hi I uploaded this photo in a large size yet the photo shown on HMF is so small you can hardly see it. I see other photos on the page are much larger. Why is it coming up so small? Thanks
The photo, a very nice one, looks normal to us. Are you still having a problem ?
I am talking about the thumbnail photos of the 2 I submitted. They are so tiny you can't even see the content. I would never click on them to make them bigger for they look terrible that small. I see others on there that are much bigger.
First, did you sign off HMF. We are trying to figure out why you are now listed as anonymous.
Regarding the thumbnails. All thumbnail images are created by reducing the photo to a maximum height of 70px and this generally works well but in the case of a very tall original photo the result is not optimal. Ideally, tall photos would yield better thumbnail images if a combination of size reduction AND cropping were used. That's something we can look into.
Tolerates shade well.
That's great to know. Now I just need to find a source for a plant! I've unsuccessful so far.