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'JACtafl' rose Description
'Bridal Shower ™ (floribunda, Zary, 1998)' rose photo
Photo courtesy of Patricia Routley
Commercially available
HMF Ratings:
19 favorite votes.  
Average rating: EXCELLENT.  
Light pink Floribunda.
Registration name: JACtafl
Exhibition name: Bridal Shower ™ (floribunda, Zary, 1998)
Bred by Dr. Keith W. Zary (United States, 1998).
Introduced in United States by Bear Creek Gardens, Inc. in 1999 as 'Bridal Shower'.
Floribunda, Florists Rose.  
Light pink.  Mild fragrance.  25 to 40 petals.  Average diameter 4".  High-centered bloom form.  Blooms in flushes throughout the season.  

Height: 42" to 4½' (105 to 135cm).  Width: 3' (90cm).
USDA zone 6b through 9b (default).  Disease susceptibility: very disease resistant.  Requires spring freeze protection (see glossary - Spring freeze protection) .  Can be grown in the ground or in a container (container requires winter protection).  
United States - Patent No: PP 11,220  on  15 Feb 2000   VIEW USPTO PATENT
Application No: 001569  on  31 Dec 1997
Inventor: Zary, Keith W. (Thousand Oaks, California). Assignee: Bear Creek Gardens, Inc. (Medford, Oregon). Parentage: Unnamed seedling x JACjem (USPP005001). The primary objective was to produce a new rose having the tall, vigorous growth, high petal count and high centered form of the unnamed pink floribunda female parent combined with the glossy, disease resistant foliage of the male parent... Flowers presented in clusters...