'Albert Stopford' rose References
Book (Jun 1992) Page(s) 61. Albert Stopford Tea. Nabonnand, 1898. Parentage: 'Général Schablikine' x 'Papa Gontier'. [Author cites information from different sources.]
Book (1936) Page(s) 682. Stopford, Albert (tea) Nabonnand 1898; G. Schabilikine X Papa Gontier; glossy deep carmine-pink, centre coppery, very large, double, solitary, fragrance 6/10, floriferous, repeats, atumn bloomer, growth 7/10. Sangerhausen
Book (1922) Page(s) 360. Albert Stopford (T.) P. & C. Nabonnand. 1898. Flower Salmon rosy pink, outer petals purple rose, very large, full, sweet-scented. Growth very vigorous.
Magazine (1914) Page(s) 165. Albert Stopford (thé) - Fleur très grande, pleine, uniflore à grands sépales, très grand pétales épais, coloris rose foncé carminé brillant, centre cuivré, pétales exterieurs carmin foncé recourbés gracieusement, bouton allongé, très bien fait, porté par une longue tige, grand feuillage, très fort bois, épines fortes; arbuste très vigoureux, très florifere (odorante). Issue de Général Schablikine et de Papa Gontier."
Albert Stopford (Tea) - Flower very large, full, solitary with large sepals, very large thick petals, colour bright dark carmine pink, centre coppery, outer petals dark carmine recurving gracefully, long bud, very well formed, carried on a long stem, grand foliage, very strong wood, strong thorns; bush very vigorous, very floriferous (fragrant). Seedling from General Schablikine by Papa Gontier.
Website/Catalog (1912) Hardy Everblooming Tea Roses. Albert Stopford. It is superb, like 'Bon Silene', a vigorous and free bloomer, producing beautiful flowers in great profusion. The color is a very dark crimson-rose.
Website/Catalog (1912) Page(s) 30. Albert Stopford (P. & C. Nabonnand 1898): Fl. rose églantine saumoné, pourtour rose pourpré, tr. gr., pl., odor., uniflore, bouton allongé. Arb. tr. vig., tr. flor. ,,Général Schablikine" X „Papa Gontier''. Recommandable! C. A.
Magazine (13 May 1911) Page(s) 231. The Parentage of Roses. The following list of the world's Roses and their parentage has been compiled by Mr. Robert Daniel, 38 Russell Road. Fishponds, Bristol, and by his kind permission we are enabled to publish it... Albert Stopford... Tea, Nabonnand, 1898, General Schablikine X Papa Gontier
Magazine (7 Jan 1911) Page(s) 4. Albert Stopford was sent out in the same year and is a very fine sort, superior in form to General Schablikine, although, perhaps not so free. Its colour is a deep bright carmine rose, with coppery centre, this latter colouring being seen in quite a few of M. Nabonnand's seedlings. It was raised from General Schablikine crossed with Papa Gontier.
Book (1910) Page(s) 310. Albert Stopford Tea: flowers deep bright carmine rose with coppery centre. Fine petals of great substance; very free blooming and effective.
Website/Catalog (1907) Page(s) 23. Tea Roses Albert Stopford (Nabonnand 1899) bright deep pink, tall. [No longer in 1911 catalogue]