'Double Crimson Moss' rose References
Book (2000) Page(s) 185. Crimson Moss /Tinwell Moss = Mousseux… Le nom de ce rosier, choisi par le prêtre anglais de Tinwell qui le découvrit, a été attribué par erreur à d’autres mousseux, confusion qui tend à se perpétuer dans ce groupe… Lee, UK, avant 1946. Ascendance inconnue.
Book (Dec 1998) Page(s) 185. Crimson Moss ('Tinwell Moss') Lee (UK) pre-1846. Description... The buds of this rose are heavily mossed but the flowers do not always open properly... crimson and double... the clergyman who discovered it named it...
Book (Nov 1994) Page(s) 63. Crimson Moss Moss. Description... crimson... an unworthy variety...
Book (Apr 1993) Page(s) 117. Crimson Moss Moss, crimson, A clergyman of Tinwell, Rutlandshire, England; Lee, prior to 1846. Description.
Book (1984) Page(s) 54. Crimson Moss = Obtenu par un clergyman de Tinwell, dans le Rutlandshire, en Angleterre, introduit par Lee en 18.. description.
Book (1971) Page(s) 121. "Notes on the Origin of the Moss Rose", C.C. Hurst: Old Moss Rose --> Tinwell Crimson Moss, 1820 (Rivers, 1843) --> Scarlet Cabbage, 1836 (Rivers, 1843)
Book (1936) Page(s) 179. Crimson (moss) = Tinwell Moss Rose
Book (1936) Page(s) 706. Tinwell Moss (damask or moss) in England ? ; crimson to pink, large, double, flat, beautiful characteristic foliage. = Quatre saisons mousseuse.
Magazine (Sep 1878) Page(s) 204. The Perpetual Moss Roses form a small but very useful group, and their flowers are much prized. The following list includes the best varieties: The variety known as the Crimson Damask Moss originated accidentally. It first made its appearance in a garden in Rutlandshire, England, and was long cultivated under the name of the Tinwell Moss.
Book (1877) Page(s) 11. The Crimson or Damask Moss, sometimes called the Tinwell Moss, was originated in the garden of a clergyman in Rutlandshire: from thence sent to Mr. Lee of Hammersmith. As it was one of the first deep-coloured Moss Roses, it was much esteemed, and plants of it were sold at one guinea each. This is a more luxuriant grower than the Old Moss; its branches, leaves, and buds are also more mossy.