"Austin Wonder" rose Reviews & Comments
This is one of my hardest Austins. I grow it on it's own roots in zone 4. It survived our last winter which was extremely harsh. I lost several well establishes Austin's...
Mine is newly planted but it has three blooms on it and they failed to open ( balled). It is in mostly sun because it is supposed to be shade tolerant. We have had some rain; not a lot. Does anyone else have problems with failure to open well? I'm in the San Francisco Bay area.Three months later it does not ball and the fragrance is nice, more sweet and fresh than myrrh. It blooms often. As of February 2017 we have had a lot of rain and in spite of being in full sun it has a lot of blackspot.
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27 APR 14 by
The Ambridge rose tends to ball at my place too in rainy weather. It likes lots and lots of sun and dry weather. It has some health issues. And just one out of three, that I planted, survived the winters. As for the same height, (in my opinion) Sharifa Asma would be a healthier, more fragrant and not balling (Austin) substitute. A much bigger and very healthy one in the color-category of the Ambridge rose is 'A shropshire Lad'. No health issues at all until now!
Syn.'Auswonder' Rosa Inglese a cespuglio, Gruppo Ibridi Leandro, a portamento ordinato, eretto e compatto; spine quasi assenti. Fogliame lucido, denso, verde scuro. Fiori md/grandi, albicocca puro, sbiaditi ai margini, singoli o in mazzi. Profumo intenso e pungente, di mirra. Rifiorente, rustica. Md/resistente a malattie. H.100cm L.75cm. (ROSACEAE) (David C.H.Austin, David Austin Roses Ltd., UK, 1990)
This year, the scent leans towards cumarine/coumarin... no drug, but the scent of drying grass; like that of Galium odoratum; synonym: Asperula odorata: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Galium_odoratum