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'Bonfire Night ®' rose References
Booklet  (2008)  
An Information List of all Varieties. p5
1971. Bonfire Night - 65/633. Nicknamed Bonfire.
Book  (2004)  Page(s) 245.  Includes photo(s).
'Bonfire Night'....
Book  (2000)  Page(s) 126.  Includes photo(s).
‘Bonfire Night’/’Bonfire’ = Floribunda… grandes fleurs semi-doubles ouvertes sur un chatoiement de jaunes et d’orangés badigonnés d’écarlate… feuillage sombre et abondant… La «Nuit des feux de joie» qu’il commémore est celle du 5 novembre, date à laquelle l’Angleterre célèbre la mise en échec, en 1605, d’une conspiration destinée à faire tomber le roi et le Parlement. McGredy UK 1971.
Book  (Dec 1998)  Page(s) 126.  Includes photo(s).
Bonfire Night ('Bonfire') Cluster-flowered/Floribunda. McGredy (UK) 1971. Royal National Rose Society Trial Ground Certificate 1969. Description... large semi-double flowers opening cupped to reveal a vivid blend of yellow with scarlet overlays... the Bonfire Night celebrations in the UK on 5 November, the day King and Parliament were saved from being blown up in 1605...
Book  (Sep 1993)  Page(s) 88.  Includes photo(s).
Bonfire Night Cluster-flowered. Sam McGredy 1971. Description... a fiery blend of red, yellow and orange... Parentage: 'Tiki' x 'Variety Club'
Book  (Apr 1993)  Page(s) 59.  
Bonfire Night® Floribunda, red blend, 1971, 'Tiki' x 'Variety Club'; McGredy, S., IV. Description.
Book  (Feb 1993)  Page(s) 221.  Includes photo(s).
Bonfire Night Cluster-flowered floribunda. Parentage: 'Tiki' x 'Variety Club'. (aka 'Bonfire') Northern Ireland 1971. Description and cultivation... flowers: deep yellow petals overlaid with orange and scarlet...
Book  (1993)  Page(s) 88.  Includes photo(s).
Book  (May 1992)  Page(s) 262.  Includes photo(s).
Bonfire Night Description... Bears large clusters of semi-double, sizeable flowers of orange-scarlet and yellow...
Book  (1980)  
p107. The Final Analysis 1979-1980.
'Bonfire Night' 7.8. Orange/red flowers in early stages outstanding but quickly fades. Repeats well but does not like heavy rain. In some areas red spider mite can prove to be a problem.

p120. Symposium on Floribunda Roses. Canterbury Rose Society, 1979.
'Bonfire Night'. Six of our rosarians grow this variety, all finding it worth while to have in the garden, but one has slight reservations. Four find it grows well to about a meter high with dark green foliage. One mentions that rust attacks her bush, another finds that it is susceptible to mildew while another says red spider and rust both like it in mid summer. One rosarian mentions that some sprays can damage the foliage, another that the flowers can be damaged also. All comment that it is well named, as the perfect HT type. Flowers are of a bright orange red and yellow colouring,giving its best when about half open. After opening, two say they find the blooms fade rather badly, but the petals drop quickly. Only one says she can detect any perfume. As a Show Bench Rose it can best be used in the "small stem" classes, and should be picked early to look best. It repeats well throughout the season.
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