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'Anne-Marie de Montravel' rose References
Magazine  (2016)  Page(s) Table S2.  
anna maria de montravel, Origin of the sample: Loubert Rose Garden, Genetic group 10 (Botanical/Cultivated), Percentage of assignation: 58.5, 1879, Pol, Rambaux, Origin: France Lyon, Ploidy: 2, measured
Book  (2000)  Page(s) 84.  Includes photo(s).
‘Anne-Marie de Montravel’/’Anna-Maria de Montravel’ = Polyantha… buisson nain et touffu tendant à s’étaler en tous sens, au beau feuillage sombre et pointu… petites fleurs blanc pur, en coupe bien double… pétales crénelés... Son obtentrice, la veuve Rambaux, était la belle-mère de François Dubreuil, qui créa lui-même nombre de roses à partir des années 1880. Rambaux, France, 1879. Forme naine de Rosa multiflora x ‘Mme de Tartas’.
Book  (Nov 1993)  Page(s) 54.  
An informal double white flower...
Book  (Sep 1993)  Page(s) 52, 53.  Includes photo(s).
Anna Marie de Montravel Polyantha. Rambeaux & Digreus (France) 1880... exquisitely shaped little white roses... its fragrance resembles that of lily of the valley. Rambler x 'Madame de Tartas'.
Book  (Apr 1993)  Page(s) 21.  
'Anne-Marie de Montravel', Polyantha, white, 1879, ('Anna-Maria de Montravel'); Double flowered Multiflora x 'Mme. de Tartas'; Rambaux. Flowers pure white, dbl. of irregular form when fully open, sometimes showing a few stamens, small (1 1/2 in.) blooms in clusters of up to 60; fragrant (lily-of-the-valley); foliage dark green above, grayish beneath, glossy, 3-5 leaflets; very few prickles; dwarf, compact growth.
Book  (Jun 1992)  Page(s) 242.  
Anne Marie de Montravel ('Anna Maria de Montravel') Widow Rambaux/Dubreuil, 1879. Parentage: 'Polyantha alba plena' x 'Mme de Tartas'. [Author cites information from different sources.]
Website/Catalog  (1985)  Page(s) 10.  
Anna Maria de Montravel*  (China). A slightly sprawly plant but fairly dense even so.  Pure white fully double, globular flowers which are produced in profusion.  Fragrant. 1880. (C) 2 x 3’. 
Book  (1978)  Page(s) 155.  
in 1879 the second Polyantha came from the widow Rambaud of Lyon;  it was white, 'Anna-Maria de Montravel'
Book  (1960)  Page(s) 83.  
Nancy Steen.  Roses in a White Garden. 
Several much lower growing roses are used in pairs to accent the foreground planting. These include the white Polyantha, Anna Marie: [?] a single white Polyantha, much resembling Its Multiflora parent in shape and size of flower, hep and heavily laciniated stipules; and the very early Polyantha, Anna-Maria de Montravel. The last named is quite dwarf, with dark, metallic looking foliage, and upright sprays of charming violet scented, double white flowers. This tiny rose is grown in the garden at Pompallier House, Russell, the site of the first Roman Catholic Mission in New Zealand.
Book  (1936)  Page(s) 489.  
de Montravel, Anne Marie (polyantha) Rambaux 1879 [Dubreuil]; Polyantha alba plena sarm. X Mme. Tartas; pure white, very small, semi-double, globular-ovoid, imbricated, in clusters of 40-60, fragrance 5/10 (lily-of-the-valley), floriferous, continuous bloom, dainty foliage, growth 5/10, dense, 40 cm. Sangerhausen
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