'Rosa bella f. pallens Rehder & Wilson synonym' rose Reviews & Comments
One of the world's foremost rosarians gave me a rose saying, unless I completely misunderstood, that it was Rosa Bella. I planted the rose in a position by no means optimal - under the dripline of a mature beech tree. A few years on and this rose is about 3.5 metres tall but very narrow, having thrown up several substantial vertical canes. The flowers are tiny pink star-shaped single blooms (rather like R. glauca but smaller) which are followed by tiny orange hips. What is most immediately noticeable about the plant is its thorniness. I have many hybrid Rugosa varieties but only Corylus can compete - though Corylus produces bristles rather than thorns - my rose, however, produces a wide variety of thorns and bristles. So it's not the Rosa Bella you are describing. What do you think it is?