'JACpicl' rose References
Article (misc) (Jul 2002) Page(s) 6. Dream Weaver Climbing Floribunda [op]
Website/Catalog (28 Dec 1998) Page(s) 46. Includes photo(s). Dream Weaverâ„¢ (JACpiel) Description... Deep coral buds set amid large clusters of rich coral-pink flowers...
Article (magazine) (19 Nov 1998) Page(s) 143. Registration JACpicl Climbing Floribunda, coral pink, 1998; (Dream Weaverâ„¢); Seedling x 'Lady of the Dawn'; Zary, Keith. Description.
Book (1998) Page(s) 98. Geoff Swane, Swane's New Rose Introductions for 1998. Dream Weaver (JACpicl) Constantly blooming throughout the season. 'Dream Weaver' forms lovely arching growth yet is easy to train laterally. It has excellent vigour, disease resistance and sets coral-pink, lightly fragrant blooms in floribunda like clusters for high impact colour.