'Alliance Franco-Russe' rose References
Book (2006) Page(s) 82. Alliance Franco-Russe . Tea. Rapid rebloom. Outstanding fragrance. Tall basal canes...Goinard, 1893. (ex l'Haÿ) Bright, clear yellow, packed with petals that point outward as the flowers open. The new growth and stems are maroon-purple. Striking.
Book (Jun 1992) Page(s) 61. Alliance Franco-Russe Tea. Goinard, 1899. [Author cites information from different sources.]
Book (1936) Page(s) 14. Alliance Franco-Russe (tea) Goinard 1899; glossy yellow, center shaded salmon, very large, very double, opens, floriferous, continuous bloom, long and firm stems, growth 7/10, upright, 60 cm.
Website/Catalog (1933) Page(s) 57. Rose a odore di thè ed hybride di thè. 718 Alleanza franco-russa, fiore giallo splendente sfumato salmone, bt. all. su forte stelo, var. di primo ordine.
Article (magazine) (1931) Page(s) 105. Alliance Franco Russe:- One of the clearest yellow Roses I know, a good grower, the flower balls in wet weather; purely exhibition.
Website/Catalog (1912) Page(s) 76. Ever-blooming Roses. Alliance Franco Russie Bright golden yellow, shading to a salmon tint in centre
Book (1912) Page(s) 67. Race des Thé non sarmenteux. Groupe C.- Thé divers et non encore classés. + Alliance Franco-Russe, Goinard 1900. Jaune éclatant passant au saumoné.- fl. grande, pleine, en coupe; très florifère, très vigoureux. Pour copuer les fleurs. Le signe + représente...le choix de 200 belle variétés.
Website/Catalog (1911) Page(s) 14. Tea-Scented Roses. Alliance Franco-Russe Yellow, shading to a salmon tint; opens poorly.
Book (1910) Page(s) 310. Alliance Franco-Russe Tea: flowers bright yellow, shaded with salmon in centre; handsome buds. A good and striking new Rose.
Magazine (1907) Page(s) 218.