'Boula de Nanteuil' rose References
Book (2005) Page(s) 36. Boule de Nanteuil. Parents unknown, Breeder: Roeser, 1834. Height: 1,50 m. Non-repeating. ..This large, very doule, its concave petals situated in quarters around a green heart. Its colour, a carmine-red almost pink, has sometimes reflexes of fiery crimson, varies easily. The shrub, solid and hardy, has a branched and spreading habit, as well as dark green foliage. Although subject to mildew, it is one of the best roses in this tone. Often 'Comte Boula de Nanteuil', 'Comtesse Boula de Nanteuil', and again 'Comte de Nanteuil' are given as synonyms of this rose. This seems erroeous as one finds these roses listed in old catalogues with descriptions which do not at all correspond to the rose we know today as 'Boule de Nanteuil'.
Book (2000) Page(s) 173. Includes photo(s). ‘Comte Boula de Nanteuil’/’Boule de Nanteuil’/’Comte de Nanteuil’ = Gallique… grandes fleurs doubles… éclairent d’argent leur corolle carmin pourpré à cœur cramoisi. Elles ouvrent presque à plat leur profusion de pétales en quartiers, laissant entrevoir l’or de leurs étamines. Riches d’une fragrance de rose de Damas, elles sont fabuleuses en vase… un bon candidat pour une vasque… en haie basse, y compris à mi-ombre. On le confond souvent avec l’hybride remontant, ‘Comte de Nanteuil’. Roeser, France 1834.
Book (Apr 1999) Page(s) 39. Comte Boula de Nanteuil ('Boula de Nanteuil', 'Comte de Nanteuil') Gallica. Roesser/Noisette 1834. The author cites information from different sources... Deep crimson... a first-rate show rose... violet purple... the richest crimson-purple, with a centre, at times, of a vivid red...
Book (Dec 1998) Page(s) 173. Includes photo(s). Comte Boula de Nanteuil ('Boule de Nanteuil', 'Comte de Nanteuil') Gallica. Roeser (France) 1834... The large, crimson-purple blooms of this rose have silver overtones and crimson centers...
Book (Jul 1998) Page(s) 202-203. Includes photo(s). Boula de Nanteuil Roser, towards 1834. Synonyms. Comte Boula de Nanteuil (Verdier, 1841), Comte de Nanteuil (Vibert, 1841). Habit: upright shrub; very fine prickles, bristles. Foliage: medium green; lightly serrated elliptical leaflets, strongly nrved. Bloom: clusters of 2 to 4; double, in irregular quarters; large petals on the circumference. Colour; carmine shaded violet; silvery reverse. Fragrance: moderate. ...The first in the catalogue of Vibert of 1836. It is, however, that of Sisley-vandael in the following year, which is the more interesting, as it attributes this variety namely to Roeser, and gives a short description: "violet-carmine, slaty, large", which corresponds enough to the specimens currently grown. A great part of current bibliography....calls this variety "Boule de Nanteuil" which is manifestly an error. From 1836 onwards, Vibert listed it in his catalogues under the name of "Boula de Nanteuil", as did all the other catalogues of the epoch. The Boula were a family of magistrates...One understands that Roeser gave this little known name to his variety: the Boula de nanteuil are simply a family in the region of Crécy (Seine-et-Marne) where his nursery was. Quincy and Nanteuil, bordering each other, are very near...'Boula de Nanteuil'...shuld not be confused with the 'Comte de Nanteuil' bred by Quétier in 1852.
Book (1997) Page(s) 140. Roeser (France) 1834. Description and vital statistics. A charming rose. Fully double flowers opening flattish and quartered. Colour deep pink...
Book (Sep 1993) Page(s) 91. Includes photo(s). Boule de Nanteuil ('Comte Boula de Nanteuil') Gallica. Description. In its heyday, it was one of the most popular roses. Flowers: quartered, cerise pink, fragrant... Thought to be another of M. Roeser's creations from the early 1830s, but no one is sure...
Book (Apr 1993) Page(s) 104. Comte Boula de Nanteuil Gallica, crimson purple, center sometimes fiery crimson, ('Boule de Nanteuil'; 'Comte de Nanteuil'); Roeser, ca. 1834. Description.
Book (Feb 1993) Page(s) 43. Boule de Nanteuil Gallica. Parentage: unknown. Origin unknown, before 1848. Description and cultivation... The fragrant, fully double flowers are flat and quartered, deep pink...
Book (1988) Page(s) 51. Includes photo(s).