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'Comice de Tarn-et-Garonne' rose Member Journal Entires
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6 MAY 16
The colors of this in photos are so HOT pink! I just got mine as a rooted cutting 1+y from A Reverence for Roses in Florida, This new nursery has a very interesting selection of rarities and all the bands I got from them are doing well (about 6 or more).

The Bed that Comice de Tarn is sharing also has Souvenir de President Lincoln, Rouge Royale, Crested Sweetheart, and Marchionesse of Lorne. What a HOTBED of flowers.

Usually the deep pink/almost red family are too loud for me, but I have planted them along a path that my daughter Morgan wheels by to her special Gazebo. She is 16 and has Rett Syndrome and cannot walk, or talk, etc, but she doesn't miss a beat and loves bright colors.
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