Book (2000) Page(s) 160. Includes photo(s). ‘Chic’ = Floribunda… rose corail abricoté… en petits bouquets au parfum léger. Remontant, vigoureux, et bien ramifié… Il semble aujourd’hui très rare en culture, certains estiment même la variété éteinte. Boerner, US, 1953.
Book (Dec 1998) Page(s) 160. Includes photo(s). Chic Floribunda. Boerner (USA) 1953... coral-pink...
Book (Apr 1993) Page(s) 92. Chic Floribunda, geranium-pink, 1953,, 'Pinocchio' seedling x 'Fashion'; Boerner. Description.
Book (1960) Page(s) 67. Lester E. Satterlee. Rose Growing in Kansas City. Chic (Boerner): This is one of my favourites. I wore one in my lapel at the A.R.S. Convention in Portland for a week — real lasting quality.
Website/Catalog (1958) Page(s) 29. Hybrid Polyantha or Floribunda Roses. Chic (Boerner 1953) .....Double. Medium growth.
Book (1955) Page(s) 20. Harry H. Hazlewood. Some New Roses for 1955. Chic (Boerner, 1953) (Hybrid Polyantha) A seedling from 'Fashion' with fuller blooms somewhat lighter in colour than its parent when first open, but deepening on the outer edge of petal as the flower ages. The growth is good and clean. A very welcome addition to this class.