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Bill LeGrice Roses
Discussion id : 129-117
most recent 20 SEP 21 HIDE POSTS
Initial post 20 SEP 21 by Cambridgelad
Bill retired in 2018 and as a result his nursery closed.
Reply #1 of 1 posted 20 SEP 21 by jedmar
Yes, we marked that, but are keeping the listing as a "Reference only" nursery.
Discussion id : 73-632
most recent 20 AUG 13 HIDE POSTS
Initial post 20 AUG 13 by Lorraine Matthews
I am trying desperately to get a Dusty Springfield Rose.
Discussion id : 60-667
most recent 7 JAN 12 HIDE POSTS
Initial post 6 JAN 12 by Pongracz
We are in touch with Bill LeGrice since many years. We rely on him not only as returning customers, but also as reliable source of knowledge about roses. Beyond the selection of his nursery, he personally helped to obtain some rare varieties from other growers by on our request.
Another pleasant factor associated with purchasing plants from this nursery is the very affordable shipping cost Bill LeGrice manages to send roses from the UK to Hungary.
Additionally we are fascinated with the rare but amazing old varieties from the breeding of Edward Burton LeGrice, available at this nursery.
Reply #1 of 2 posted 6 JAN 12 by Kim Rupert
Thank you for sharing that information. I imported many of Mr. LeGrice's amazing oddly colored roses nearly thirty years ago from the LeGrice nursery and found them to be a perfect source then. Beautiful plants, all true to name, which arrived in California in perfect condition. All of my requests were followed to the letter. I still grow a few of those imported plants. I loved Mr. LeGrice as a rose breeder and as the wonderful author he was. His Rose Growing Complete taught me many interesting things about roses, the Royal National Rose Society and rose history. I am very happy his son seems as lovely a person as he seemed and that their business continues to thrive. Thank you!
Reply #2 of 2 posted 7 JAN 12 by Aurelija D.
I could not agree more, communication was really nice with them and the advices about the varieties were very honest, elaborate and professional. Good quality plants too.
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