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Laurentius'sche Gärtnerei
'Laurentius'sche Gärtnerei'  photo
Photo courtesy of jedmar
Rose (closed, reference only) Nursery   Owned by Hermann Laurentius.  

Listing last updated on Mon Mar 2025
Operated 1856-1871.
[From Allgemeine Gartenzeitung, No. 32, 9. August 1856, p. 256:] We have the Plant Directory of mostly new plants which are cultivated for this summer and autumn in the Laurentius Nursery by the Chief Gardener O. Hannemann in Leipzig.

[From Wochenschrift für Gärtnerei und Pflanzenkunde, No. 39, 27. September 1860, p. 310:] The Nursery Laurentius belongs absolutely to the most beautiful which we have in Germany, and its content corresponds to its reputation. It quickly brings newest introductions into its possession, be it new plants introduced from foreign lands or flowers and flowering shrubs obtained by art. Whatever excellent is bred annually re Roses, Azaleas, Rhododendrons etc on the one hand, and Tydaes [?], Chrysanthemums, Verbenas, Lobelias on the other hand in France, Belgium or England, is found in the shortest possible time also here.

[From Hamburger Garten- und Blumenzeitung,1871, p. 425:] The Laurentius Nursery. The honoured readers will see from an advertisement in this and the last issue of Hamburg. Gartenzeitung that from 11. September onwards all plant stocks of the said Nursery will be sold openly due to illness of the owner....Mr Laurentius was in fact more aficiniado than nurseryman and did not spare money in order to possess a beautiful, new or rare plant.
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