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André Leroy
Discussion id : 89-599
most recent 4 DEC 15 HIDE POSTS
Initial post 4 DEC 15 by Ophrys26
André Leroy (1801-1875) was a nurseryman and a great pomologue who lived in Angers (France). He was the successor of several generations of nurserymen.

When his father André-Pierre Leroy died in 1809, Marie Leroy, widow of André-Pierre and mother of André, took the responsibility of the nursery. From 1819 to 1822 André went to the “Jardin des Plantes” of Paris to study gardening with the botanist André Thouin (1747-1824).

In 1822 he took the responsibility of the nursery. In 1822, the nursery was 4 hectares in size. In 1875 its size was of 168 hectares.

He wrote a great encyclopedia of pomology in six volumes (published from 1867 to 1879).
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