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Clarke Brothers, Florists (Archive of 1925-27 offerings)
Discussion id : 115-068
most recent 27 JAN 19 SHOW ALL
Initial post 24 JAN 19 by Kim Rupert
The 1925 Clarke catalog lists this rose which isn't in the database.

P. L. Daudet—Large finely formed flowers of a
rich carmine rose flecked with salmon-rose. Strong growing and free blooming. A unique parti-colored
rose and very distinct. (HT)
Reply #1 of 4 posted 25 JAN 19 by jedmar
Alphonse Daudet, yes, but who is P. L.?
Reply #2 of 4 posted 25 JAN 19 by Kim Rupert
Yes sir, I saw Alphonse, but have no idea who P. L. was, which is the cause for this entry.
Reply #3 of 4 posted 27 JAN 19 by Patricia Routley
I have searched my computer for 'P. L. Daudet' but can find nothing. However, I believe the one refererence is enough for you to add this rose Kim. Better to add it than lose the one mention of it.
Reply #4 of 4 posted 27 JAN 19 by Kim Rupert
Thanks Patricia.
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