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Petrovic Roses
Discussion id : 168-972
most recent 5 NOV HIDE POSTS
Initial post 5 NOV by Kristiina
Hi, the phone number listed here does not work, I believe there is a mistake.

Reply #1 of 1 posted 5 NOV by AmiRoses
+381 63 - 259 785
Discussion id : 99-158
most recent 5 NOV SHOW ALL
Initial post 9 MAY 17 by ses56
THEY STOLE MY MONEY! I found this nursery initially on this website, helpmefind. I paid money year in advance to have plants reserved for me because roses like Brother Cadfael were not available. When the time came to collect my roses it turned out that nothing was reserved for me (there was no comment why or hint of feeling sorry for it), but still I decided to buy other roses since I already paid. When I arrived there were no roses for me, just lame excuses. When I asked my money back he just cut off the phone call (I could not even find the actual nursery as I was given wrong address directions few times...). I sent 2 email requesting my money back no response...
Reply #1 of 1 posted 5 NOV by Kristiina
Hi, what happened there? Is this a reputable seller, does the nursery exist (as you said you could not find it)?
Discussion id : 168-943
most recent 1 NOV HIDE POSTS
Initial post 31 OCT by Kristiina
Hi, which of your teas are the most hardy? I am in zone 6a/b and was wondering if I could try growing some in the ground (south wall of the building). Thank you!
Reply #1 of 2 posted 1 NOV by AmiRoses
I'm not the owner of Petrovic Roses.
Please Ask

Thanks you
Reply #3 of 2 posted 1 NOV by Kristiina
Hi, ok, thank you!
Discussion id : 42-197
most recent 1 FEB 10 HIDE POSTS
Initial post 31 JAN 10 by Courtaud
The new web adress is:
Reply #1 of 1 posted 1 FEB 10 by HMF Admin
We have corrected your web address. Please consider becoming a HelpMeFind sponsor.
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