San Juan Capistrano, California. April 13, 2010. Close-up of one leaf set -- notice that one leaf set can have up to nine leaflets, that the largest leaflet will be furthest from the stem and that the leaf stem will have a frilly stipule.
1 favorite vote.
Uploaded 13 APR 10 |
San Juan Capistrano, California. April 13, 2010. Side view of the frilly stipule.
1 favorite vote.
Uploaded 13 APR 10 |
San Juan Capistrano, California. April 13, 2010. This is a rootstock sucker that I caught growing on one of my new Hortico bareroots today. It is Rosa Multiflora rootstock and was removed by tearing it off as soon as I noticed it. Notice the bright green color and the frilly stipule (the part where the leaf stem attaches to the main stem).
Uploaded 13 APR 10 |
San Juan Capistrano, California. April 13, 2010. Close-up of the growth tip.
8 favorite votes.
Uploaded 13 APR 10 |
San Juan Capistrano, California. April 13, 2010. Close-up of the frilly stipule (the part where the leaf stem attaches to the main stem).
1 favorite vote.
Uploaded 13 APR 10 |
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