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COCHET-COCHET, Charles Pierre Marie
'COCHET-COCHET, Charles Pierre Marie'  photo
Photo courtesy of jedmar
Rose Breeder and Author  

Listing last updated on Tue Oct 2024
[From "Roses et Roseraies", Bulletin of the Association "Les Amis de la Roseraie du Val-de-Marne" , No. 68, July 2007]
COCHET, Pierre Christophe (1777-1819), head gardener of Amiral de Bougainville
COCHET, Pierre-Philémon (père) (1796-1853), son of Christophe
COCHET, Pierre-Philémon (fils) (1823-1898), first son of Pierre-Philémon (père)
COCHET, Scipion (1833 -1896), second son of Pierre-Philémon (père): started "le Journal des Roses" in 1877
COCHET, Pierre (son of Scipion Cochet) (1858 -1911): co-author of "Nomenclature de tous les noms de roses" and "Les plus belles roses au début de XXe siècle"
COCHET-COCHET, Charles Pierre Marie (son of Pierre-Philémon (fils))(April 13, 1866 Coubert, Seine-et-Marne - October 20, 1936), married his cousin Clara Cochet in 1889
Cochet Frères/Cochet Bros., Scipion & Pierre fils

[From Les Amis des Roses, January-February 1937, p. 7:] Charles COCHET-COCHET était né à Coubert (Seine-et-Marne), en Brie, le 13 avril 1866 ; il s'y est éteint le 20 octobre 1936. Il appartenait à une longue lignée d'horticulteurs-rosiéristes qui remirent en honneur en Brie, en 1796, la culture de la rose qui s'y était acquise une grande renommée au cours des siècles précédents.....Comme botaniste, il a écrit de nombreux ouvrages dont celui déjà cité, une nomenclature du genre Rosa ; il participa à la rédaction Les meilleures Roses au xxe siècle, et fut un des créateurs, en tant que classificateur du catalogue, de la célèbre roseraie de l'Hay. En parcourant le Journal des Roses, créé en 1877 et dont il assuma la direction, depuis la mort de son beau-frère Pierre COCHET, jusqu'en 1914....

[From The Old Rose Advisor, by Brent Dickerson, p. 110:] Scipion Cochet was one of the founders of the 1877-1914 Journal des Roses... born at Suisnes October 1, 1833 (died at the age of 62)... His ancestors were gardeners. His grandfather and father were horticulturalist-nurserymen... The vast works which he directed at Suisnes... were created in 1799 by Christophe Cochet, encouraged and advised by Admiral Count Bourgainville, for whom he was chief gardener...

[Ibid, p. 64:] Mons. Petit-Coq

[From The Old Rose Adventurer, by Brent C. Dickerson, p. 241:] Christophe Cochet stocked his rose garden from Descemet's nursery prior to 1814.

[Ibid, p. 242:] Kamschatika Alba Simpex [the Cochet's] usual pod-parent

[From The Ultimate Rose Book, by Stirling Macoboy, 1993, p. 459:] A leading turn-of-the-century French rosarian, consultant to the formation of the Roseraie de l'Hay and noteworthy for many of the best Rosa rugosa hybrids, among them 'Roseraie de l'Hay' and 'Blanc Double de Coubert'.

[From Old Roses, by Ethelyn Emery Keays, p. 93, Cochet and Laffay] led the progress of the Hybrid Perpetual...

[From Roll Call: The Old Rose Breeder, p. 87:]
Scipion Cochet
Grisy-Suisnes, France
Lived 1861-1896
Younger brother of Pierre Cochet fils

[Ibid, p. 86:]
Cochet Bros. [Scipion & Pierre fils]
Grisy-Suisnes, France
Sones of Pierre-Philémon Cochet

Pierre-Philémon Cochet [Pierre fils]
Grisy-Suisnes, France
Edler brother of Scipion Cochet. Chevalier and Châtelain de Plouy. Nom de plume: Pierre de Plouy.
Lived 1821-1898
His widow released several of his roses after his death.

[Ibid, p. 85:]
Pierre-Philémon Cochet [père]
Grisy-Suisnes, France
Son of Christophe Cochet
Worked for the Admiral Comte de Bougainville at the Château de Suisnes where the Comtesse had a collection of roses [said to rival] that of Empress Joséphine at Malmaison.

Charles Pierre Marie Cochet (1866-1936), son of Philémon Cochet (fils), married his cousin Clara Cochet (daughter of Scipion Cochet) in 1889 and took the name of Charles Cochet-Cochet. He directed the "Journal de Roses" from 1912-1914.
See the firm Cochet-Cochet as hybridizers.

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