Wholesale Catalogue ..of The Yokohama Gardeners' Association 1893-4
(1893) Page(s) 16. Clematis Patens, double, fine white flower...each $ .60, per 10 $ 5 00
(1893) Page(s) 15. Clematis Florida , greenish white flower....each $ .35, per 10 $ 3 00
(1893) Page(s) 16. Clematis Paniculata, hardy climber, with fragrant white double flowers in cluster....each $ .35, per 10 $ 3 00
(1893) Page(s) 16. Clematis Patens, violet, large petal, highly recommended flower...each $ .60, per 10 $ 5 00
(1893) Page(s) 15. Clematis Florida double white flower, tipped with green near the center....each $ .50, per 10 $ 4 00
(1893) Page(s) 13. Rosa Banksiae, white flower, free bloomer, 1 ft.....each $ .40, per 10 $ 3 50
(1893) Page(s) 13. Rosa Laevigata, white and maroon, singe flowers, cimbing rose, 1-2 ft.....each $ .40, per 10 $ 3 00
(1893) Page(s) 13. Rosa Microphylla, ball-like, double flowers, 1 ft....each $ .30, per 10 $ 2 50
(1893) Page(s) 14. Rosa Rugosa, single rrose....each $ .30, per 10 $ 2 50
(1893) Page(s) 14. Rosa Rugosa, white flower...each $ .30, per 10 $ 2 50