'C. tangutica' clematis References
Book (Oct 2001) Page(s) 361. Includes photo(s).
Book (1999) Page(s) 238. ...clear yellow, 'thick skinned' petals...
Website/Catalog (1992) Page(s) Autumn issue, p. 66. Includes photo(s). botanique TANGUTICA JUIN à JUILLET Originaire d Orient. Produit des fleurs jaunes simples, campanulées, de 4 cm de large, suivies de fruits argentés plumeux tout l'automne.
Website/Catalog (1989) Page(s) 51. Includes photo(s). CLEMATITE botanique TANGUTICA .... JUIN-JUIL ... 3 m <-> 1,50 m Originaire d'Orient, fleurs en clochettes jaune d'or suivies de fruits argentés plumeux tout l'automne.
Book (1965) Page(s) 442. Clematis eriopoda Maxim. - Hime-botanzuru. Species attributed to Japan by Maximowicz, but obscure to us. Desribed as having ternate leaves, the leaflets ovate, 3-sected, incise-toothed, the median lobes hnear, the lateral ones ovate, 2-2.5 cm. long, 1-2 cm. wide, the peduncles solitary, 1-flowered, bracteate, villous above; sepals 4, nearly spreading, elliptic, densely silky outside, slighdy longer than the stamens; filaments nearly glabrous, much longer than the anthers.
Website/Catalog (1929) Page(s) 82, 84. p. 82: Clématite tangutica. — Nombreuses fleurs jaune d’or ; — la pièce , 6 fr.
p. 84: Clématite Tangutica (Eriopoda). Espèce introduite d'Orient donnant tout l'été de nombreuses fl. jaune d'or.
Website/Catalog (1924) Page(s) 107. Clématite Tangutica (Eriopoda). Espèce introduite d'Orient donnant tout l'été de nombreuses fl. jaune d'or.
Website/Catalog (1921) Page(s) 9. Clematis orientalis tangutica. Rare climber climbing up to 5 m with golden-yellow glossy wax-like blooms and light foliage. July-August. 1 piece M 15.-, 10 pieces M 140.-
Magazine (Sep 1920) Page(s) 202. Planting the Home Grounds The Use of Vines By N. H. Ellsworth In addition to these older sorts of clematis there are at least two recent introductions of great importance. One of these is remarkable for the length of its blossoming season which begins in June and continues until early autumn. It is called Montana Rubens, and it has beautiful rosy red blossoms. A distinct novelty brought from the Orient by E. H. Wilson has bright yellow flowers that appear in June and July against a dense background of green foliage. This variety is called Tangutica and it is offered by a few of the more important nurseries.
Website/Catalog (1912) Page(s) 90. Clematis orientalis tangutica (for bloom in June). The golden-yellow blooms on long stalks cover the ends of the shoots in abundance. Vigorous sort. 1 oiece M 1.50, 10 pieces M 14.-