'Lady Londesborough' clematis References
Book (Oct 2001) Page(s) 254. Includes photo(s).
Book (1915) Page(s) 176. Clematis. — There is no more popular hardy climber than the Clematis. One or two should be grown in the smallest garden. They can be used to cover any structure from a few feet to 50 feet high. A selection of different sorts will ensure a succession of flowers from April to October. [...] There are numerous named varieties; a dozen of the best to furnish flowers from May to October are as follows: Lady Londesborough, blush, with purple bars...
Book (1906) Page(s) 51. Principal garden varieties of Clematis: Patens type. (Flower in May and June.) Lady Londesborough... Silver-grey, pale bar.
Magazine (11 Nov 1899) Includes photo(s). Three Beautiful Clematises 1. Vesta 2. Lord Londesborugh 3. Lady Londesborough
Magazine (1877) Page(s) 260, 269. p. 260: Lady Londesborough. Flor. Mag., 1870, pl. 495-96.
p. 269: Clematis Lady Londesborough (Noble), s. patens; bleu-lilas.
Magazine (3 May 1873) Page(s) 336. Spring Flowering Clematises. Mr. Noble, of Sunningdale, has produced some beautiful hybrids belonging to this class. They comprise Albert Victor, deep lavender, with brown ribs along the centre of each petal; Harry Richmond, lavender-grey, each petal having a flame of deep violet; Lord Londesborough, rich mauve, the petals having the centre stripe of maroon; Lady Londesborough, silver-grey, with flame of white; Mrs. Villiers Lister, cream tinted with pink, and bars of maroon; Mrs. Howard Vyse, white, each petal edged with mauve; Miss Bateman, pure white, very fine stout flowers; Princess Mary, pink, suffused with puce, each petal having a pale stripe; and Queen Guinevere, creamy white. Mr. Noble has other varieties, but the foregoing have been repeatedly shown, and therefore a definite opinion can be formed as to their merits.
Magazine (29 Mar 1873) Page(s) 252. Royal Botanic Society. (March 26th.) Miscellaneous Plants. One of the most attractive features of the exhibition was a collection of Clematises in small pots, and profusely flowered, exhibited by Mr. Noble, of Sunningdale, all of which are well suited for early blooming and conservatory purposes, viz.. Queen Guinevere, Lord Londesborough, Lady Londesborough, Lord Napier, Miss Bateman, and Albert Victor.
Book (1872) Page(s) 113. Descriptive Notes of Species & Varieties. C. Lady Londesborough (Noble). — One of the best of Mr. Noble's hybrids of the early-flowering Japanese race. The habit and foliage of the plant resemble those of C. Standishii, the leaves being ternate, with the leaflets narrowly ovate. The flowers, which average from five to six inches across, are eight-sepaled, and of a silver-gray colour, with a paler bar on each sepal, the white filaments just tipped with rose at the base of the chocolate-purple anthers. It is, like the other early bloomers, well adapted for cool conservatory decoration, and may be had in flower by March, if accelerated by slight artificial warmth. It was awarded a First-class Certificate by the Royal Horticultural Society in 1869. The figure given in the Floral Magazine (t. 495, fig. 4) is not very characteristic.
Magazine (1870) Page(s) plates 495-496. Includes photo(s). Clematis — Miss Bateman, Mrs. Lister, Lord Napier, & Lady Londesborough. No climbing plant has received of late years so much attention as the Clematis, and none have more richly rewarded the labours of those who have attempted to improve them by hybridization. We have already described the great success of Mr. George Jackman, of Woking, in the production of such kinds as Jackmanni, Prince of Wales, Rubella, Magnifica, and Mrs. Bovill, and every season confirms the good opinion we have entertained of them. The varieties which are now figured are of an entirely different strain; for whereas those raised by Mr. Jackman are hybrids between viticella and lanuginosa, and are summer and autumn flowering plants, those which have been raised by Mr. Noble of Sunningdale, are hybrids of a different character, and are early-flowering. They have been exhibited largely by Mr. Noble during the last spring, and have gained several certificates. It will be at once seen that they differ very materially from the Woking seedlings, in the greater number of petals, and the greater delicacy of their colouring, not so rich perhaps, but equally beautiful. We have selected four of the best for illustration. Miss Bateman (fig. 1) is a flower of the most perfect whiteness; Mrs. Lister (fig. 2) differs from it in having a very pale rosy lilac tinge at the base of the petals; Lord Napier (fig. 3) is a very pale mauve-coloured flower, each petal being margined with rosy purple giving it a very distinct appearance; while Lady Londesborough (fig. 4) is of a very delicate lavender tint, each petal having down the centre a broad well-defined line of a lighter shade of the same colour; in each flower the stamens are mauve-coloured, and in the lighter varieties form a pleasing contrast to the petals.