PhotoComments & Questions 
Shadow Ninja  rose photo courtesy of member Michael Garhart
Discussion id : 88-860
most recent 24 OCT 15 HIDE POSTS
Initial post 24 OCT 15 by styrax
Still looks interesting! I will guess at a Joycelin-type russet, with orange-red overtones.
Reply #1 of 1 posted 24 OCT 15 by Michael Garhart
Its sort of the opposite. Its base color is orange red. On occasion, it is vivid orange or coral orange. Sometimes the edges become purple-black, which I have found impossible to photograph. My photography skills are lacking. On other occasions, it is closer to dusky red-orange, with a russet wash. In other words, somewhere between Coup de Foudre and Hot Cocoa. Both phototropic and temperature sensitive. When I try to photograph the rose, the colors do not come out true, or too much light reflects back into the camera, even if it is overcast.
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