Canada - Application No: 18-9396 on 26 Jan 2018
Breeder: Keiji Kunieda, Rose Universe Co., Ltd., Shiga, Japan
The detailed description of '80103WB-KJ' is based on the UPOV report of Technical Examination, application number 32809, purchased from the Plant Variety Protection Office of the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries in Japan. The trials were conducted by the Center for Seeds and Seedlings at the Nishi-Nihon Station in Okayama, Japan from 2019 to 2020.
United States - Patent No: PP 31,229 on 17 Dec 2019
VIEW USPTO PATENTApplication No: 15/932,569 on 15 Mar 2018
Inventors: Kunieda; Keiji (Shiga, JP)
Applicant: Rose Universe Co., Ltd. Shiga JP
The present invention is a new and distinct variety of a Rosa L. rose plant obtained from a cross between maternal variety `An` (unpatented) and an unnamed paternal variety of unknown parentage owned by the breeder. The cross was performed by hand pollination in May 2014 and seeds were planted in January 2015. .. `80103WABARA` can be distinguished from the maternal variety, `An`, by: (1) a large number of petals (128 petals compared to 54 for `An`); (2) color grouping (white compared to pink blend for `An`); (3) main color of the inner side of the petal (RHS 158D compared to RHS 49C for `An`); and (4) petal secondary color (RHS 4D compared to absent for `An`).