"Kombacy Elyena rose Description
Photo courtesy of Patricia Routley
Found Rose, Hybrid Tea, Tea.
Dark red, silver(y) reverse,. Amaranth, white base to petals. S-bend pedicel. None to mild, sweet, unpleasant fragrance. Medium, very double, borne mostly solitary bloom form.
Height: up to 6' (up to 185cm).
Disease susceptibility: susceptible to Mildew.
Patent status unknown (to HelpMeFind).
"Kombacy Elyena". Unidentified tea rose found by Margaret Furness in family garden started c1900 near Mildura on the Murray River, Australia. "Kombacy" is the name of the house where the parent plant grows; Margaret’s current plant is about 1.8m high. "Robert's Red Tea" found in the Melbourne General Cemetery and "Stephanie’s Red " from Rookwood Necropolis was found by Stephanie Murphy and later renamed to the grave name of "Mary Ann Murray". Jane Zammit mentioned there were many plants of this rose at Rookwood. Can ball and be disappointing. ”Joanna” Queensland grown by Leonie Kearney from an elderly Frenchman as Souv. de Therese Levet. Leonie’s plant is about 1.2m high and wide “Ferguson Valley C” (Syn “Ferguson Valley Deep Purple Pink “ (W.A.) found in 2011 by the Tea Ladies at an old property south of Perth where it had been planted before 1920
Colour amaranth with pale reverse. Buds often on s-shaped stems. Bloom form: very double, with cupped guard petals. Usually borne singly. Some prickles. Does not set hips. Susceptible to mildew. Scent; depends on observer; sometimes light Tea scent, not particularly pleasant. Observer who had lost her sense of smell says this is the only rose she can smell, and it is sweet.
Similar to, but not the same as the rose in commerce in Australia as 'Princesse de Sagan' - 'Professeur Ganiviat'
Other roses which might be considered are: ‘Francis Dubreuil’ 1894. - refer Members Comments Oct 15, 2019 ‘Bonamour’ 1897, currant red, reflex of petal very brilliant, bushy habit. ’Garden Robinson', 1900
Possibly Not 'Friedrichsruh' 1908, but may be too low. 'Mlle Christine de Noué' - was said to be a large bloom with strong upright stems 'Mme. Philippe Kuntz' 1889 - possibly not as it had blush or salmon pink tones. ‘Souvenir de Thérèse Levet’ 1882 - has a yellow base to petals