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'Arnoldiana' rose Description
'<I>Rosa arnoldiana</i>' rose photo
Photo courtesy of Rosewild
Commercially available
HMF Ratings:
21 favorite votes.  
Medium red Hybrid Rugosa.
Registration name: Arnold
Bred by Jackson T. Dawson (United States, 1893).
Introduced in United States by Eastern Nurseries Inc. in 1893 as 'Arnold'.
Hybrid Rugosa, Species / Wild.  
Scarlet or violet-red.  Strong fragrance.  Average diameter 2.25".  Large, single to semi-double, in small clusters bloom form.  Occasional repeat later in the season.  
Armed with thorns / prickles, upright.  Dark green foliage.  5 to 7 leaflets.  

Height: 4' to 6½' (120 to 200cm).  Width: up to 4' (up to 120cm).
USDA zone 6b through 9b (default).  Hardy.  produces decorative hips.  
Patent status unknown (to HelpMeFind).
Differences of opinion about parentage, see References.

[Rosa x arnoldiana Sarg. in "Bulletin of popular information: Arnold Arboretum Harvard University Bulletin of popular information": Arnold Arboretum Harvard University; 1915 38 1919.
Rosa x arnoldiana Sarg. (1919) applies to crosses between R. rugosa and hybrid perpetuals, which Sargent classified as R. borbonia Desportes. The "specification" of Bourbons and Hybrid Perpetuals has been subsquently rejected. At most, R. x arnoldiana appears to be a synonym of 'Dawson's Hybrid Rugosa,' and does not represent a hybrid of two species at all. See References.]
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