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English Legend Roses
[From Heirloom Old Garden Roses Year 2000 Catalog, p. 21:] A new group of roses from the old English Rose firm of Harkness... [these roses] have been marketed in France and Germany as English Legend roses for several years. Heirloom Old Garden Roses is the exclusive introducer of these roses in the United States... The English Legend Roses fall somewhere between the English Roses and the Romanticas. Their main features are a wider range of colors than either of the other groups. They tend to have more fragrance than the Romanticas and are much more compact than most Austin introductions.

Varieties considered to be English Legend Roses are:
'By Appointment'
'Della Balfour'
'Jacqueline du Pré'
'Marjorie Marshall'
'Radox Bouquet'
See also Glossary: Abundance Roses.

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