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'Champneys' Pink Cluster' was the first Noisette.

[From Botanica's Roses, p. 412:] Noisettes were the first roses bred in the United States...

[From Gardening with Roses, by Judith McKeon, p. 26:] Noisette roses were developed in the United States from a cross between China and musk roses. They add soft yellow or apricot to the color range of the antique rose palette. Most produce trusses of small flowers in hues of soft white, lemon, or pale pink on wiry, upright bushes... Like their China parents, most Noisette roses are rarely out of bloom; many make excellent climbers in Zone 7 to 10.

[From Old Roses, by Mrs. Frederick Love Keays, p. 125:] small prickles on the petiole and even under the end leaflet, along the vein, [are] a Noisette characteristic...

[From The Rose Garden, by William Paul, pp. 333-334:] The original Noisette, due probably to the accidental fertilisation of the Chinese with the Musk Rose, was obtained by M. Philippe Noisette in North America, and sent to Paris in 1817. The peculiar features recommended to notice were its hardy nature, free growth, and large clusters of flowers, produced very late in the year, which were indeed recommendations of no common order. Its appearance was hailed with delight, and it soon spread throughout Europe. But we are losing the old style of Noisette, and multiplying kinds hybridized with the Tea-scented. This is a matter of regret, for however much we may extend the range, or improve the delicacy of the colours by this process, we are rendering a hardy group of Roses tender, and blotting out the prettiest feature of the group -- flowers produced in large and elegant trusses.

[From Origin of Rose Types, by Roy Shepherd, p. 34:] The classification "Noisette and bourbon" is seemingly unnecessary as both are basically hybrid chinas...

[From The Old Rose Informant, by Brent C. Dickerson, p. 26: Jean-Pierre Vibert wrote in 1824:] a person can count about a hundred Chinas and Noisettes... More than twenty-five varieties of Noisettes are taken in this number, presenting nearly all the shades from purest white down to purple -- several of which have double flowers

[From The Rose Manual, by Robert Buist, p. 89:] the leading feature [of the Noisette Rose] is the clustering of its buds and flowers... The profusion and perpetual succession of their flowers produced in immense clusters, frequently from fifty to one hundred in each, makes them superbly ornamental objects, calculated for columns, pillars, fences, or trellis work...

[Ibid, p. 94:] The Noisette Roses have become so impregnated with the varieties of Rosa Odorata, that many of the sorts, when they bloom for the first time, are denominated "Thea" roses, but their farther growth and subsequent bloom brings them under the head of Noisettes, from their tendency to produce their flowers in large clusters.

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