Member Ratings of Peony and Garden photos
Aesthetic quality
21 favorite votes.
Aesthetic quality: EXCELLENT (6 votes). |
Rather new cluster of roses.
4 favorite votes.
Aesthetic quality: EXCELLENT (4 votes). |
Used: Crocus Rose, Rushing Stream, William Morris, Elizabeth Stuart, Marinette, Windermere, James Galway, Kosmos
14 favorite votes.
Aesthetic quality: EXCELLENT (5 votes). |
7 favorite votes.
Aesthetic quality: EXCELLENT (3 votes). |
May 2009
7 favorite votes.
Aesthetic quality: EXCELLENT (4 votes). |
View of my house with roses taken July 2008. Roses to be seen in photo are: Santana, Sympathie, Dirigent, Felicia,Rosenresli, Louise Odier, Charles Austin, Coral Dawn and perhaps some of F.J. Grootendorst ,Hansa and Blaze Superior to the far left.The Fairies by the entrance are not in bloom yet.
10 favorite votes.
Aesthetic quality: EXCELLENT (3 votes). |
Photo courtesy of Marian v/d Pouw Kraan.
Although the name of this rose is unknown, (it's a Floribunda Climber) the photo is one of my favourite frozen roses!
9 favorite votes.
Aesthetic quality: EXCELLENT (4 votes). |
8 favorite votes.
Aesthetic quality: EXCELLENT (3 votes). |
C - Member Comments | I - Accuracy Questioned | R - Member Ratings | V - Member Favorite |