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Photos photo courtesy of Jeri Jennings
May 19 2023
1 favorite vote.  
Abraham Darby photos photo
Photos photo courtesy of Iolanda
Mi jardín, Madrid 2008
8 favorite votes.  
Photos photo courtesy of DonaldQuRoses
In my Texas garden April 2011
10 favorite votes.  
Abraham Darby photos photo
Photos photo courtesy of noseometer
First flush. Blooms here tend to be cupped throughout their life.
4 favorite votes.  
Photos photo courtesy of Shinobu
17 favorite votes.  
Abraham Darby photos photo
Photos photo courtesy of GardenGlimpses
1 favorite vote.  
A Big Hobby - My Small City Garden photos photo
Photos photo courtesy of HonzaPM
Czech Republic, my garden in zone 5b, 18.7.2013
8 favorite votes.  
Abraham Darby photos photo
Photos photo courtesy of Jean Marion
7' tall on gazebo
2 favorite votes.  
A Shropshire Lad photos photo
Photos photo courtesy of Cactus Joe
10 favorite votes.  
Abraham Darby photos photo
Photos photo courtesy of roseromantic
Magdolna's Garden in Mezőkovácsháza,Hungary
2 favorite votes.  
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