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Roses, Clematis and Peonies
and everything gardening related.
most recent 4 JUN 20 HIDE POSTS
Initial post 4 JUN 20 by Dextermom
Mr. L is possibly my favorite rose. So when we moved to a place with a garden, I was ecstatic to order one from a super dependable source. We live in HZ 6b. I gave it the sunniest spot, dug a huge hole and backfilled with the most tea-rose friendly soil mix available, rich, loamy, and well draining. First year? Of course, not much. A sprinkling of blooms. Second year? Hoping for better. It started leafing out, but Then we heard a late frost was coming. Wrapped it well in burlap, and mulched a bit beneath, just for a couple of days until frost danger passed. It continued to leaf out for a couple of weeks, and I sighed in relief. Then, no warning, it stood still and declined. As a last ditch, I tried pruning the main cane by a couple of inches. Nope. It obviously Was unhappy and wanted out. At this point I suspect I will have to replace it with something hardy to zone 4. Slightly heartbroken, but what can you do?
Reply #1 of 1 posted 4 JUN 20 by Give me caffeine
What can you do? How about trying one in a large pot, and sticking it under cover if the weather turns nasty? Bit of a rigmarole, but if it's your favourite and you really want one...

Obviously Lincoln is a fairly rambunctious sort of beastie and would prefer to have more room than a pot, but I think it would handle it as long as the pot was of a reasonable size (20-24" perhaps).
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