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Photos photo courtesy of Margaret Furness
South Australia, zone 9b, mid-spring.
2 favorite votes.  
Photos photo courtesy of Ozoldroser
"Almerta Orchard Pink" Barossa Old Rose Repository, South Australia Summer Pat Toolan
1 favorite vote.  
Photos photo courtesy of Margaret Furness
Early-mid spring, South Australia, zone 9b. New growth, a little mildewed. Rose sold as Mme Berkeley on the right.
1 favorite vote.  
Photos photo courtesy of Teenoisette
Schloss Holte Stuckenbrock 27.06.2020
1 favorite vote.  
Photos photo courtesy of Jane Z
Photo by Madeline Ellis, Sydney Heritage Rose member, October 1985 of original "Agnes Smith", during what she believes was their first cemetery 'ramble'.
1 favorite vote.  
Photos photo courtesy of IngridS
In my garden in San Diego County, spring flush of 2019
1 favorite vote.  
Photos photo courtesy of Patricia Routley
460-007. Own roots at Northcliffe, WA Dec 5, 2010. Came as "Agnes Smith" from Araluen, WA. in 2004.
1 favorite vote.  
Photos photo courtesy of billy teabag
"Bird Children White" Autumn 2015, HRIA Repository, Renmark, South Australia.
1 favorite vote.  
Photos photo courtesy of billy teabag
"Agnes Smith". The parent plant growing in a New South Wales cemetery, November 2003.
1 favorite vote.  
Photos photo courtesy of Jane Z
"Bird Children" February 2008, NSW Jane Zammit plant
1 favorite vote.  
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