Montana, United States
I am an experienced gardener, but have never centereded on a particular variety. I do love clematis and am developing a serious interest in roses,
We have a large garden pond and that has been a focus for some years. Varieties of fish, waterlilies, etc. As an avid DIYer, it was incredibly rewarding to design and build my own 4000+ gal pond, filtration, plumbing etc. And because we put it together, I know how to work on it and make my own repairs. ;)
I am married to my best friend and so lucky. Am an RN, live in a very rural setting. No kids (if you have any extra kids, we would gladly take them and love them to pieces), but lots of critters around! Dogs, cats, chickens, guineas, peafowl.
Experienced (34 years)
Last visit: Saturday, April 20th