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Rose -
A,C,E,F,G,N,O,P,Q,T,UAmber Queen ® (floribunda, Harkness before 1981) Prinz Eugen van Savoyen
Floribunda. Apricot or apricot blend. Flowers apricot-gold. Moderate, musk, spice, sweet fragrance. Large, full (26-40 petals), cluster-flowered, in small clusters, cupped, ruffled bloom form. Blooms in flushes throughout the season. USDA zone 5b and warmer. Height of 20" to 30" (50 to 75 cm). Width of up to 2' (up to 60 cm). Harkness (1981).
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Floribunda / Cluster Flowered, Shrub. Cream. Strong, citrus fragrance. Full (26-40 petals) bloom form. Blooms in flushes throughout the season. USDA zone 6b and warmer. Height of 35" (90 cm). Width of 2' to 35" (60 to 90 cm). Harkness & Co. (1999).
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Hybrid Tea / Large-Flowered. Light yellow. Mild fragrance. Large, double (17-25 petals) bloom form. Blooms in flushes throughout the season. USDA zone 7b and warmer. Height of 42" to 4' (105 to 120 cm). Width of 30" to 31" (75 to 80 cm). Dickson (1926-2012) (1981), Dickson (1956-....) (1981).
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A,F,G,N,O,P,Q,T,UElisabeth (floribunda, McGredy, 1958) Elisabeth de Glamis Elizabeth of Glamis ® Irish Beauty (floribunda, McGredy, 1958) Irish Charm (hybrid tea, McGredy, 1958)
Floribunda. Salmon-orange, golden-yellow shading. Coral salmon. Light apricot pink.. Strong fragrance. Large, full (26-40 petals), in small clusters, flat bloom form. Blooms in flushes throughout the season. USDA zone 6b and warmer. Height of 3' to 42" (90 to 105 cm). Width of 2' (60 cm). Samuel Darragh (1932-2019) McGredy IV (1958).
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A,C,F,G,N,O,P,Q,T,VFée des Neiges Iceberg (floribunda, Kordes 1958) Schneewittchen ® (floribunda, Kordes 1958) Sneeuwwitje
Floribunda. New Generation Roses ® Collection. White or white blend. Mild fragrance. Large, double (17-25 petals), cluster-flowered, in small clusters bloom form. Prolific, blooms in flushes throughout the season. USDA zone 4b and warmer. Height of 30" to 5' (75 to 150 cm). Width of 2' (60 cm). Reimer Kordes (1922-1997) (1958).
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Floribunda / Cluster Flowered, Shrub. Vigorosa ®. White or white blend. Moderate fragrance. Small to medium, semi-double (9-16 petals), cluster-flowered, in large clusters bloom form. Continuous (perpetual) bloom throughout the season. USDA zone 6b through 9b (default). Height of up to 20" (up to 50 cm). Width of up to 20" (up to 50 cm). W. Kordes & Sons (2002).
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A,C,E,F,G,N,O,P,Q,T,UForever Friends (floribunda, Meilland 1994) Johann Strauss ® Sweet Sonata
Floribunda. Romantica ™. Salmon-pink, yellow shading. Orient pink suffused aureoline yellow. Mild, apple, lemon fragrance. Medium, very double, old-fashioned bloom form. Blooms in flushes throughout the season. USDA zone 6b and warmer. Height of 20" to 4' 11" (50 to 150 cm). Alain Meilland (1940-....) (1994).
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A,C,E,F,G,N,O,P,Q,T,UIsis ™ (hybrid tea, Olesen 1990) Karen Blixen ™ Roy Black ™ Silver Anniversary ™ (hybrid tea, Olesen, 1990)
Hybrid Tea. White or white blend. Mild, fruity fragrance. Large, very double bloom form. Blooms in flushes throughout the season. USDA zone 7b through 10b. Height of 35" to 5' (90 to 150 cm). Width of 2' to 4' (60 to 120 cm). Mogens Nyegaard Olesen (1990), L. Pernille Olesen (1990).
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A,C,E,F,G,L,N,O,P,TKent ® (shrub, Olesen/Poulsen, 1985) Pyrenees Sparkler (shrub, Olesen 1985) White Cover ™
Shrub. County Series Collection, Towne & Country ® Series. White or white blend. Mild, wild rose fragrance. Small, semi-double (9-16 petals), cluster-flowered, cupped-to-flat bloom form. Continuous (perpetual) bloom throughout the season. USDA zone 4b through 10b. Height of 18" to 3' (45 to 90 cm). Width of 2' to 4' (60 to 120 cm). Mogens Nyegaard Olesen (1985), L. Pernille Olesen (1985).
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A,C,F,G,N,O,P,Q,T,U,VDoux Parfum (floribunda, Harkness before 1990) L'Aimant Merlin (floribunda, Harkness before 1990) Oxford (floribunda, Harkness before 1990) Victorian Spice ™
Floribunda. Light pink. Flowers soft peach pink. Strong, citrus, damask fragrance. Large, very full (41+ petals), cluster-flowered, in large clusters, cupped, ruffled bloom form. Blooms in flushes throughout the season. USDA zone 6b and warmer. Height of 3' to 42" (90 to 105 cm). Width of 30" (75 cm). Harkness & Co. (1990).
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Floribunda / Cluster Flowered. Red. Mild fragrance. Blooms in flushes throughout the season. USDA zone 6b and warmer. Height of 2' to 35" (60 to 90 cm). Width of 2' to 30" (60 to 75 cm). Reimer Kordes (1922-1997) (1980).
1 favorite vote. Average rating:
A,E,F,G,O,P,Q,T,UPrincess of Wales (floribunda, Harkness 1997) Princesse de Galles (floribunda, Harkness, 1997)
Floribunda / Cluster Flowered. White or white blend. Mild to strong, strong fragrance. Double (17-25 petals) bloom form. Blooms in flushes throughout the season. USDA zone 6b and warmer. Height of 32" (80 cm). Width of 2' (60 cm). Robert B. Harkness (1997).
1 favorite vote. Average rating:
A,E,F,G,N,O,P,Q,T,UCoeur d'Amour J.P. Red Devil Red Devil (hybrid tea, Dickson 1965)
Hybrid Tea. Scarlet, lighter reverse. Strong fragrance. Large, very full (41+ petals), high-centered bloom form. Blooms in flushes throughout the season. USDA zone 4b through 9b. Height of 3' to 6' 7" (90 to 200 cm). Width of 2' to 4' (60 to 120 cm). Patrick Dickson (1926-2012) (1965).
1 favorite vote. Average rating:
A,E,F,G,N,O,P,Q,T,URock 'N' Roll (floribunda, McGredy 1983) Stretch Johnson Tango (shrub, McGredy, 1983)
Floribunda, Shrub. Orange-red, yellow centre and occasionally white rim. Pink-yellow reverse. None to mild fragrance. Small to medium, semi-double (9-16 petals), cluster-flowered, in small clusters, flat bloom form. Blooms in flushes throughout the season. USDA zone 6b and warmer. Height of up to 5' 11" (up to 180 cm). Samuel Darragh (1932-2019) McGredy IV (1983).
1 favorite vote. Average rating:
A,C,E,F,G,N,O,P,Q,T,UHeckenzauber Sexy Rexy ® (Floribunda, McGredy, 1978)
Floribunda. Pink. Mild fragrance. Medium, very full (41+ petals), in small clusters, cupped, rosette bloom form. Prolific, blooms in flushes throughout the season. USDA zone 6b and warmer. Height: 28" to 39" (70 to 100cm). Width: up to 2' (up to 60cm). Samuel Darragh (1932-2019) McGredy IV (1978).
1 favorite vote. Average rating:
Floribunda, Hybrid Tea. Salmon-pink. Mild to strong fragrance. Medium, double (17-25 petals), cluster-flowered, in small clusters, classic hybrid tea, cupped, high-centered bloom form. Blooms in flushes throughout the season. USDA zone 7b and warmer. Height of up to 3' (up to 90 cm). Width of up to 2' (up to 60 cm). Harkness & Co. (1994).
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Miniature, Patio. White. None to mild fragrance. Small, single to semi-double, cupped-to-flat bloom form. Blooms in flushes throughout the season. USDA zone 6b through 9b (default). Height: 15" to 16" (40cm). Width: 16" (40cm). Patrick Dickson (1926-2012) (1988).
1 favorite vote. Average rating:
Floribunda. Orange - scarlet. Mild fragrance. Medium, full (26-40 petals), cluster-flowered, in small clusters, cupped bloom form. Continuous (perpetual) bloom throughout the season. USDA zone 6b and warmer. Height of 2' to 35" (60 to 90 cm). Width of 20" to 2' (50 to 60 cm). Samuel Darragh (1932-2019) McGredy IV (1970).
1 favorite vote. Average rating:
A,C,F,G,N,O,P,Q,T,U,VVelours Parfume ® Velvet Fragrance (Hybrid Tea, Fryer before 1985)
Hybrid Tea. Crimson. Strong, damask fragrance. Large, full (26-40 petals) bloom form. Blooms in flushes throughout the season. USDA zone 5b through 10b. Height of 35" to 40" (90 to 100 cm). Width of up to 28" (up to 70 cm). Gareth Fryer (1948-....) (1985).
1 favorite vote. Average rating:
A,F,G,L,N,O,P,T,VBrilliant Vigorosa Diamant® (shrub, Kordes 2001) Diamond (shrub, Kordes 2001) KO 92/0642-02 White Diamonds (shrub Kordes 1992) White Sunsation
Shrub. Vigorosa ®. White. None / no fragrance. Medium, semi-double (9-16 petals), cluster-flowered, in small clusters bloom form. Blooms in flushes throughout the season. USDA zone 6b through 9b (default). Height of 2' to 3' (60 to 90 cm). Wilhelm Kordes III (1953 - 2016) (1992).
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