HelpMeFind Roses, Clematis and Peonies
Roses, Clematis and Peonies
and everything gardening related.
most recent 16 NOV 10 HIDE POSTS
Initial post 16 NOV 10 by mariella
I love, I see in Chile!!!! I have got this clematis!!!
Congratulations!!!! :)
most recent 2 AUG 10 HIDE POSTS
Initial post 31 JUL 10 by mariella
hi, is beautiful .....
is possible identifaction rose?, I belive that is :)

Reply #1 of 4 posted 1 AUG 10 by Henrique R. Vivián
Hello Mariella,
I'm very sorry, but I don't understand your question. Can you be more explicit? Thank you for all.
Reply #2 of 4 posted 1 AUG 10 by mariella
sorry no English translator use only: (
your rose is very pretty. Like an old rose that has no name and I need to identify this rose, you can help?
Reply #3 of 4 posted 2 AUG 10 by Henrique R. Vivián
Now I understand very well your question but... there are many and many thousands of roses. To try help you can you give all the details possible? It is almost impossible to give an opinion only by photos of flowers. I have just seen now a reply from Jedmar. All HMF people will be interested to help you. By the way, what you mean by old rose? Do you think it is very ancient, before Portland roses?
Reply #4 of 4 posted 2 AUG 10 by mariella
thank God that you understood me :)

I have no more photos, I'm looking for that.
I think it's old rose , because she's old flowering in September (spring)

it may be a hybrid of chinensis?

and infor real of the plant:

It blooms only one in spring
is a tall plant, no climbing
disease: a little seen aphids and mildew.
Many petals
Flower Size: 6 or 7 cm

thanks for the patience and my bad English:)

most recent 2 AUG 10 HIDE POSTS
Initial post 31 JUL 10 by mariella
HMF is possible identied one rose?
I Have books of roses, But It Is Not impossible to know rose!

Reply #1 of 2 posted 1 AUG 10 by jedmar
Mariella, difficult to say from photo of bloom only. Can you post photos of foliage also? Is it prickly? How tall? It is not climbing, is it?
Reply #2 of 2 posted 2 AUG 10 by mariella
Hi Jedmar
only information.... :(

Hybrid Chinensis?
It blooms only one in spring
is a tall plant, no climbing
disease: a little seen aphids and mildew.
Many petals
Flower Size: 6 or 7 cm

tomorow more photos... :)

most recent 30 JUL 10 SHOW ALL
Initial post 5 NOV 08 by digger
I believe you have a mislabeled rose. It looks wonderful but I doubt it is Tournament of Roses.

Reply #1 of 5 posted 5 NOV 08 by mariella
Dear Dave, this is my pink peach, because it lacks the soil acidity. I also suspected that it was not and call the grower and told me that it was pure lineage and the soil should be acid to accent the color. Since I am now using to really Fierro of its pink color.
Reply #2 of 5 posted 7 NOV 08 by digger
Hi Mariella, I always hesitate to say photos are wrong here. I looked at all you posted. The bloom form, petal texture and foliage all looked wrong along with the color. I am not an expert but had to mention I thought it was not Tournament of Roses. Our soil is slightly alkaline and ToR is still definitely pink. We have some more photos at our album site:
I include photos of odd colored blooms on ToR. Color does look different sometimes.
Perhaps your grower honestly believes the rose is Tournament of Roses. I believe he or she is mistaken. We have quite a few roses we purchased that are not what they were labeled. Some we have never been able to identify have become better than the ones we intended to get. Don't let it get you down.
Our season has ended. I look forward to seeing more of your photos from Chile. Deb loves the rose you have here. How long have you grown it?

Reply #3 of 5 posted 7 NOV 08 by mariella
My supplier of roses,, which is the best chili confirmed to me that it is tournmament, because in their web page has a picture of the rose and just asked for the difference of color, and I replied that I wrote .
Maybe here in Chile has another variant of the Rose, that will never know.
I bought the plant in August 2008 now we are in spring and is growing a lot, and I hope we can continue to be attentive to their changes with the fertilizer and iron.
I'm very eager to my garden, and I have 45 roses.
Thank you for responding with a entablecer communication.
Reply #4 of 5 posted 8 NOV 08 by digger
I checked their website and they are selling Tournament of Roses (registered name JACient). The photo looks correct for it. It isn't a matter of a different Tournament of Roses being sold in Chile. I hope you can eventually identify the rose you posted here.

Reply #5 of 5 posted 30 JUL 10 by mariella
dear Dave:

eventually buy the Torunament of roses and flowers and pink

The Labeling think it's apricot Nectar, now take pictures.

has been a long investigation by myself !!!!..... and I'm almost sure she is, you think?

Best regards
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