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Thomas, Captain George C.
'Thomas, Captain George C.'  photo
Photo courtesy of CybeRose
Rose Breeder and Discoverer  

Listing last updated on Wed Feb 2025
United States
[From Modern Roses II, p. 21:] All the Bloomfield roses were produced by Capt. George C. Thomas, Jr., at his home of that name in Chestnut Hill, Pa., until he removed to Beverly Hills, Calif., where he continued his hybridization until his death in 1932.

[From The Book on Roses, by Dr. G. Griffin Lewis, p. 135:] Capt. Geo. C. thomas of Beverley Hills, California, was born on October 3, 1875, and became interested in the propagation of roses about nineteen years ago. His work has been along new and original lines, his endeavors being to produce only varities which are hardy and ever-blooming. To his honor and credit, be it said, that none of his roses have been sold for personal profit, all royalties and proceeds having been donated for the encouragement of rose culture.

[From The Old Rose Adventurer, by Brent Dickerson, pp. 373-374: excerpts] Capt. George C. Thomas, Jr., (rose breeder) was born in Philadelphia on October 3, 1873, and died February 28, 1932, of a heart attack at his home in Beverly Hills. He was buried in Philadelphia. Among his accomplishments is the Practical Book of Outdoor Rose-growing, published in 1914. Thomas began breeding roses in 1912. He wanted to produce a satisfactory hardy everblooming climber, and he wanted better garden roses... he provided that any gains from the sale of his roses should be turned over to the American Rose Society...

[From The Old Rose Adventurer, by Brent Dickerson, p. 362:] The Musk strain was perpetuated in the everblooming climber sproduced by Captain George C. Thomas, Jr., who used some of Pemberton's roses as parents in his early hybridizing work. His roses, or his earlier varieties at least, are continuous-blooming shrubs which are reasonably hardy. The flowers are mostly single, and although he introduced them as hardy everblooming climbers, they never really climb much or bloom freely after the early summer display.

[Ibid, p. 363: A number of Thomas' roses are named 'Bloomfield ---'] Bloomfield, name of the Thomas estate in Pennsylvania.

[From Breeding Roses at Home, by Captain George C. Thomas, p. 21:] I have brought out eighteen new roses, after nearly twenty years of rose-breeding work... During some seasons the total number of seeds sown ran as high as 10,000...

[From Two Centuries of the Rose in California, by Dan MacMasters, p. 27:] Captain George C. Thomas of Beverly Hills had in his garden at one time some 1,200 varieties, and out of his experimenting came the 'Dr. Huey' rootstock.

[From the American Rose Annual 1927, p. 66: Thomas'] rose-breeding commenced in 1912. The purpose of [his] experiments was to produce a hardy, everblooming climber for the Philadelphia district in which [he] lived...

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