HelpMeFind Roses, Clematis and Peonies
Roses, Clematis and Peonies
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Clemons, David E.

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Rose Breeder  

Listing last updated on Fri Sep 2024
United States
[From the website] David is a national level exhibitor with close to 100 Queens to his credit which includes 2 national Queens along with a National Best of Show. He is also a Consulting Rosarian and gifted presenter on various rose topics from exhibiting to hybridizing. He currently has registered 12 roses including the top rated exhibition miniature and miniflora rose. His roses include the miniature ‘Alysheba’, ‘Aristides’, ‘Joy’, ‘Donerail’ and ‘Tabasco Cat’ along with minifloras ‘Bold Ruler’, ‘Charismatic’, ‘Foolish Pleasure’, ‘Ghostzapper’, ‘Ruffian’, ‘Tammy Clemons’, ‘Unbridled’ and ‘Whirlaway’. David is currently working on a Hot Pink rose to name in honor of his daughter. We are confident that many more thoroughbreds will be named in the coming years.
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