Dickson (1956-....), Colin
Photo courtesy of Cambridgelad
Rose Breeder
Listing last updated on Fri Mar 2025
Newtonards, Northern Ireland United Kingdom
Code = DIC--- DICKSON, A. (Alexander) (1801- October 11, 1880 ) DICKSON, Hugh, (c1831-1904) son of Alexander I DICKSON, George (1832-1914), son of Alexander I DICKSON, Hugh II (1850-60s?-1922), son of Hugh DICKSON, Alexander II (1857-1949), son of George, started 1872, retired 1930 DICKSON, George II, son of George DICKSON, Alexander III (1893-1975), son of Alexander II, retired ca. 1958 DICKSON, Alexander Patrick (Patrick) (1926-2012), son of Alexander III DICKSON, Colin, son of Patrick (b. April 8, 1956). Ceased breeding in 2018.
DICKSON Nurseries Ltd. Milecross Road Newtownards County Down, Northern Ireland
[From The Makers of Heavenly Roses, by Jack Harkness, 1985, p. 57:] Pat's firm became Dickson Nurseries Ltd. He continued to grow roses for a few years, but eventually decided to make his living as a rose breeder...In the hybridizing house, Colin is now at work...
[From BBC News, 19 August 2019:] Dickson Roses no longer breeding after 140 years...Dickson Roses in Newtownards, County Down, closed that part of the business last year.....owner, Colin Dickson, who is now in his 60s, said his two daughters wanted to pursue different career paths and would not be working for the firm.