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Bizard, Maurice-Augustin

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Rose Breeder  

Listing last updated on Wed Aug 2024
Angers, Pays De La Loire
Maurice-Augustin Bizard (February 5, 1781 Saumur - July 4, 1848 Angers), politician, councillor at the royal court of Angers. Succeeded in 1840 by René Thibault.

[From Journal d'agriculture, 1829, p. 52] List of main amateur non-commercial rose collectors, but who make exchanges. ...France...Bizard, counsellor to the Court, at Angers[From The Old Rose Advisor, by Brent DIckerson, p. 33:] Bizard was Angers' advisor to the royal court. Mons Millet, first president of the Angers Horticultural Society, said that Bizard was to some degree responsible for the rose-growing predilections of Angers, being the first person in town to put together a collection of roses.[From La Rose de France, by François Joyaux, p. 305:] Bizard, an amateur from Angers

[From Travaux du Comice Horticole du Maine et Loire,1840, Vol. 2, n.13, p. 141:] ANNONCES. RENÉ THIBAULT, Fleuriste à Angers, rue des Bas-Chemins. Ayant traité avec M. Bizard d'une partie de ses semis de Roses de choix non encore sortis de sa culture il a l'honneur d'offrir à MM. les amateurs et commerçants quelques-uns de ces semis livrables à l'autumne 1840 et an printemps 1841 soit francs de pieds soit greffés, aux prix ci-après établis et sur lesquels il ne sera pas fait de remise.
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