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Jelly, Robert G.
'Jelly, Robert G.'  photo
Photo courtesy of Ms.Lefty
Rose and Discoverer  

Listing last updated on Sun Sep 2024
Richmond, Indiana
United States
[From Modern Roses V, 1958, p. 173:] Robert G. Jelly, Richmond, Ind. Coronet Supreme, Dawn, Pink Champagne, Ruby, Stoplite.

[From The Complete Rose Book, p. 121:] Bob Jelly is best known in America for his production of cut flowers for the commercial grower...
Robert G. Jelly, Richmond, IN, USA

[From the Associated Press news feature "Weeder's Guide," by Earl Aronson, announcing the 1978 AARS selections in the Washington, PA Observer-Reporter, June 16, 1977]

[Charisma] was originated by Robert G. Jelly, hybridizer from Richmond, Ind., his first All-America winner. He has been breeding roses since 1936 for both green house and garden. One of his choice hybridizing efforts produced the Red Forever Yours, which required eight years.

In 1969, Jelly was awarded the John Cook Gold Medal as the outstanding under-glass rose hybridizer since 1964.

Robert G. Jelly died in 2003 at the age of 87. He was survived by his wife Muriel L Jelly and his son Jeffrey Roger Jelly.

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