Victor Trouillard
Angers, France
[From Travaux du Comice Horticole du Maine et Loire, 1857, Vol. 5, n.43, p. 185:] M. Trouillard (Victor), horticulteur, route de Saint-Léonard, 14.
[From Annales du Comice horticole de Maine et Loire, 1859, p. 4:] Trouillard, Victor, chaez M. André Leroy.
Trouillard, maraîcher, route des Ponts-de-Cé.
[From L'Horticulteur praticien, December 1859, pp. 276-277:] De la Bouture des Rosiers par M. V. Trouillard.
[From The Journal of Horticulture, Cottage Gardener, and Country Gentleman, November 22, 1864, p. 408:] M. Trouillard is the foreman of the well-known nurseryman M. Andre Leroy, of Angers, and has been for many years known as a Rose raiser, although his flowers have generally come to us through Mr. Standish, of Ascot, who has purchased generally the stock, but finding, as I believe, that they were not generally up to the mark, he has given this up, and hence M. Trouillard comes out on his own account. His flowers generally want fullness of shape, and of those which Mr. Standish has let out belonging to him, there is hardly a flower, save Eugene Appert, that has risen to the position of a general favourite, and that sadly wants regularity of form, the outline being very imperfect, while Andre Desportes, Reynolds Hole, Madame Standish, Marguerite Appert, and others, must be numbered, I fear, amongst the things of the past.