author data from the Bibliothèque nationale de France: Jean-Baptiste Louis Lelieur, comte de Ville-sur-Arce, was born November 5, 1765 in Ville-sur-Arce, and died May 28, 1849 at Versailles.
[From Transactions of the Horticultural Society of London, 1822, p. 226ff.:] The Count Lelieur began to direct his attention to the Dahlias in 1808 : from the garden at Malmaison, he intro-duced into the flower garden at St. Cloud, three distinct varieties, one variety being already there : from the seeds of some of these he obtained, in the following year, several plants differing in colour from the originals ; the next year great attention was paid to separating the seeds of each sort, conceiving that their produce would, in some measure, follow the parent plant, but the result was not what had been expected ; the young stock differed much from the old, and from each other, and yielded flowers of the most beautiful description, purples, dark reds, cherry reds, buffs, and even pale yellows.
[From Taschenbuch des verständigen Gärtners, 1824, p. 1148:] I visited in 1821 the flower garden in St. Cloud, where M. Le Lieur had, a couple of years ago, united one of the richest rose collections, which at that time where grown with very much skill by M. Suchet, who is now director of the flower garden of Fontainebleau.
[From Rosetum Gallicum, by Desportes, 1828, p. 25:] Sèvres, Le Lieur
[From Journal de la Société d'Agronomie Pratique, January 1829, p. 27:] LELIEUR DE VILLE-SUR-ARCE (le comte), ex-administrateur général des parcs, pépinières et jardins du Roi, membre de la société d'horticulture de Londres, à Versailles.
[From Mémoires de la Société d'Horticulture du Département de Seine-et-Oise, 1844, p. 206:] Lelieur de Ville-sur-Arce (Comte), member of the Legion d'Honneur and various societies, former Administrator of the Royal Parks and Gardens, rue Saint-Martin, at Etangs-Gobert.